Page 30 of The Last Knight

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All of this to say, it will mend and work better than you ever dreamed. Marcy is familiar with this technique and has taken to collecting similar pieces.

Speaking of, Marcy is in survival mode, not truly living. I believe losing Matt and then yourself has done a number on her. I haven’t seen her bright smile in many, many months. I actually haven’t seen it since the funeral. When she ran from the tent with you, she looked more carefree than she had in years. It was heartwarming for a mother to witness, even on one of the hardest days of our lives. She’s always had a connection with you. I attributed it to puppy love for far too long. Having met my husband at a young age, I knew the look on her face well and should have recognized it for what it was.


It always takes the stubborn man longer to realize what he has in front of him and with the age gap, I knew you wouldn’t see it for some time.

But if I’m not mistaken, you finally saw what I’ve known for years. You did the right thing even if it seems like the biggest mistake of your life. It wasn’t your time yet.

Your times will align at the exact moment that has always been drawn in the stars for the two of you. I truly believe that. Don’t beat yourself up, kid. Get your job done and find your way home. It isn’t the same without you here. My kitchen has never been lonelier and Marcy doesn’t have a cooking bone in her body.

I’ve sent something that you’ll know what to do with when the time comes. I love you like a son, Samuel. Thank you for serving our country.

With love,

Mrs. Hillary

With tears streaming down my face, I folded the letter and placed it in a small pocket of my bag ensuring its safety. I unwrapped the small package that came with the letter. Instantly my mind went to Marcy when I saw what was enclosed. I smiled at Mrs. Hillary’s way of giving me a push that she knew I would need. Shaking my head, I laughed out and held the gift to my chest. I just needed to get through this chapter of my life.

Life often unfolds in unexpected ways, and sometimes it takes a serendipitous encounter to reveal what has been there all along. Our reunion has only cemented the feelings I had for her at the funeral. Matt brought us together in ways I didn’t understand, until he was gone. That has been his greatest gift. His actions toward me in our youth, bringing me into his family like one of their own, had a lasting tether that tied me to his sister. Through deployments and stupidity, the tether never diminished but only grew stronger the closer I was to her.

Chapter 17


My vivid dreams from the car mix with reality, leaving my mind foggy with everything that happened at the cemetery. It takes me a moment to realize where I am and why I feel like I’m levitating through the air. My eyes spring open to the bright lights of Samuel’s penthouse lobby causing me to shield my face from the intrusion.

“Hey sleepyhead. I didn’t want to disturb your sleep plus there was no way you would have been able to get your soaked shoes back on,” he whispers, which I appreciate while the drowsiness takes its time to dissipate from my system.

“You know, I could have walked. You don’t need to carry me everywhere.” His hazel eyes dart from mine as his handsome face morphs into one of irritation. Sam’s jaw clenches, making me wonder what I said wrong. I didn’t mean anything maliciously. I truly don’t need to be babied and carried everywhere as if an invalid. Not to mention that I feel very uncomfortable when he babies me. It just reminds me that I’m nowhere near a supermodel’s body frame, which he’s probably used to being with. I’m comfortable in my skin most days but that’s totally different when someone is carrying me. All of my old insecurities come rushing back to the surface making me feel like a burden, especially a heavy one. I can do this on my own. My mind wanders trying to think of something to say to fix this uncomfortable wedge between us that sprouted from my comment.

The elevator doors close behind us and the sudden pressure from climbing floors quickly makes me queasy. It’s a silent ride to the top as I stew over what to say, but no words form. Sam doesn’t respond to my comment like I expect him. He carries me into his apartment, placing me on the ground and keeps me steady until my legs are stable beneath me. He tosses our soaked shoes by the door then takes my hand in his, leading me somewhere in this giant palace.

“Sam, I’m sorry–” His grip on my hand tightens, making my comment die on my lips. We pass through his bedroom doors and into the bathroom. Sam releases my hand without turning. I stand there wringing my sore hands together in front of me waiting for some sort of response. The shower head springs to life then he stalks back to me. His eyes are burning with…anger? Desire?

“On the counter,” he commands. A beat passes without either of us moving both testing the other. He steps closer bending so his warm breath coats my neck as he whispers, “I said get your ass on that counter, Marcy.” His words paint an evocative picture of longing and desire. My body awakens by the mere presence of him. The need for him to touch me heightens but I know he won’t until I submit to him. I can see my independent, girl boss visage happily fly out of the window as I do what he asks.

My wet clothing squishes as I jump on the counter but I don’t dare move until more instructions come. A wicked smile crosses his face as he separates my thighs, coming between them.

His fingers trail over my cheek and down my throat, leaving goosebumps in his wake. “Such a good girl for me,” he murmurs as my body begins to tremble from his praise.

“Let’s get these wet clothes off.” Sam’s hands skate down my body until he reaches the hem on the hoodie he offered me in the car. Slowly he peels the damp garment from my body, tossing it to the floor. He continues until the only thing remaining is a purple lace bra that barely contains my heaving breasts.

“Did you put this on hoping I would see it? Hmm? Did you want me to rip this from your skin?” He chuckles darkly, his eyes never leaving mine as his warm hands cup my chilled skin. The heat from his body coupled with his hands on me has me squirming on the counter, needing more. More heat, more touching, just more.

I nod but he tsks. “Words, sunshine,” he growls. Something about the sound of his voice sends jolts of pleasure between my thighs.

“Y-yes, I hoped you would see.” I pull my bottom lip between my teeth biting down as I wait to see what he does next.

“Mmm, you can’t do that baby.” Sam pulls my lip from my teeth then soothes it with his thumb as he rubs it back and forth. Without thinking, my tongue peeks out to stroke his finger. His eyes close as a groan vibrates from him. I love seeing I have the same effect on him that he has on me. It makes me feel like we are on equal ground even if he’s the one in control.

His eyes open with more urgency than before. My bra pops open before I know what happened. It's added to the pile on the floor. Not wanting to be the only one on display, I lean closer to slide his shirt off.

“Is there something you’re wanting to see, princess?”

“It’s not fair to only have me out of my clothes.” I look up at him with a pout, making him give in instantly. He pulls the shirt over his head the next moment laying over the pile of wet discarded clothing.

Sam slides me from the counter then falls to his knees before me. His hands grasp the waistband of my leggings, sliding them slowly down my legs torturing us both. My panties go next which I’m surprised aren’t ripped. His hands slowly slide up my body as he nips and kisses a path from my legs, up my tummy, over my breasts and along my neck until he’s standing, leaning over me. Electric shocks from every point of contact spread through my body as if hitting every nerve until I’m a panting mess.

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