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I watch her face contort in pleasure as she gives herself over to her orgasm. The way her pussy tightens around me sends me right over the edge and I plant myself deep inside of her as I fill her with my cum. Our bodies are pressed together, and our hearts are pounding; I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I know there are still things to deal with and I need to call my brothers, but I take a moment and soak up the feeling of my woman, our woman, being right where she belongs.



Fleur’s breathing evens out next to me and I sigh in relief. After I filled her with my cum, she was still wired. I cleaned her up and then held her in my arms as we talked.

I can’t remember the last time I talked with another person as much as I did with her just now. I made sure we didn’t talk about the flowers either. Instead, we talked about mundane things like how she’s thinking about getting a dog, movies, books she’s read recently since I’m not much of a reader, and food.

My woman can talk about food all day and night. It’s adorable as fuck and you better believe I was taking notes about her favorites. It made me think about meals with her and how it will be when we convince her to move into our place with us. There’s plenty of room for her and we wouldn’t have a problem with her getting a dog.

Considering the three of us work out at home, none of us took the primary bedroom and have been using that as a gym. We could easily clean it out and get a bed big enough for the four of us to sleep comfortably. I don’t think any of us would want her hopping from bed to bed nor would we tolerate being away from her for even a night.

Sometimes business does require us to travel, but the three of us don’t usually go anywhere at the same time which means we could always ensure our woman is safe in our home. I saw the security system she has here and ours is just as good. Then there’s the fact that no one comes at a Guidice head on.

They wouldn’t like the consequences if they did.

I can’t wait to get her home with us where I know she’ll be safe and know I’ll be coming home to her every night. It settles something in my chest and gives me a goal, one I’ll work toward with fierce determination.

Even as we were talking, it felt like she was holding back, and I hate it. I know it’ll take some time to build trust between us, but I’m grateful as fuck we’re not starting at zero. Even though I never admitted how I’ve felt about her, she’s been around my family for years. We aren’t strangers. None of us are.

As I slip from the bed, I grab my jeans, pulling them on quickly but not bothering to button them up as I slip my phone from my pocket and head toward her bedroom door. When I look over my shoulder, Fleur rolls closer to the side of the bed where I just was and hauls the pillow my head was on against her chest. The way she curls around it has me smiling at how fucking adorable she is.

I make my way down the stairs quickly after closing the door to her room behind me. I look around her house and think about part of the conversation we had earlier. It was something I always wondered and was never able to get the answer to.

Being in her house, in her bed, I couldn’t help but ask, “Why do you live in such a small house? I’m sure you could be in something bigger?”

I saw something flash in Fleur’s eyes as her body tensed. I don’t know what she saw as she studied my face, but it made her slowly relax. “I don’t need a big house. It’s just me here. Why would I want to be lonely and constantly reminded I’m all alone by some house with too many rooms and not enough life?”

Her answer had my heart clenching in my chest as I pulled her closer to my side. I ran my fingers through her hair, my voice thick with emotion, “You aren’t alone, Tesoro.” She blinked quickly and then ducked her head so I couldn’t look into her eyes anymore. “You’ll never be lonely again. If you can trust that what is between us is real, you’ll never feel lonely. I can promise you that.”

She swallowed hard, her fingers digging into my chest where her hand was resting until she relaxed against me again. “I have a feeling I’ll be more annoyed than lonely,” she sassed.

I couldn’t help but laugh and the sound of her joining me was one of the most beautiful sounds I’ve ever heard. As we laughed, the rest of the tension bled from her body, and she became pliant at my side. I could tell sleep was creeping in, but I relished the feeling of her against me and the trust she was giving me with such a simple act.

As I walk in the kitchen and see the flowers still sitting there, anger fills me again. I look at the card and pull my phone out of my pocket, sending a quick text to my brothers.

Fleur’s house. Now.

I don’t need to say anything more than that. My phone starts going off with notifications, but I ignore them as I stare at the flowers, wishing they could become sentient and tell me who sent them to our woman. No luck on that front.

I don’t know how long I stand there, but the sound of a car pulling up to the house pulls me out of my thoughts and I head to the front to intercept my brothers before they can start pounding on the door and wake up Fleur.

They didn’t see her when she was freaked out about the flowers. I did. It took a toll on her and now that she knows she’s safe, she needs to get some rest. I’m going to ensure she gets exactly what she needs.

I swing the door open to find Leo’s fist raised and poised to knock with Gio at his back. They look me over and Gio grins as Leo’s lip curls into a snarl. I have no doubt they’re both pissed, they just show it in very different ways.

I hold my hand up, “I don’t want to hear it. My gut was telling me she needed me, and I was right.”

I don’t give them any other explanation as I turn around and head straight to the kitchen, knowing they’ll follow. I stop in front of the bouquet still sitting on the small island like it has a right to be there. It doesn’t and I’m still a little pissed I couldn’t incinerate it the moment I looked at it.

“I take it none of us sent our woman flowers,” Gio’s voice has a forced genial quality to it which tells me exactly how on edge he is.

“No,” I glower and pick up the card before handing it to Leo who takes a look at it, clenches his jaw, and hands it off to Gio.

“Well, fuck,” Gio mutters.

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