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“Not without us,” Gio practically fucking purrs, his tongue coming out to sweep across his bottom lip.

I force myself to detach from the conversation, knowing full well I’ll be analyzing every breath of it later. When I’m alone.

I look each man in the eye before I take a step toward them. When they part for me, like touching me would give them cooties or something, my heart shatters. Again.

It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last. Pull yourself together.

I keep my head held high while I walk away from them, give Viola one more hug, and then leave the Guidice mansion. I certainly don’t look back. And I definitely don’t let the tears fall until I’m safely locked inside my own home.





I refresh the information on the app I’m looking at. Again. It’s still telling me the same thing and jealous anger simmers right under my skin. She’s there.

Fucking there.

At Club Sin.

It’s been two weeks since Viola’s birthday dinner and the next day I set my sights on getting to the bottom of Fleur’s membership to Club Sin. I couldn’t find out much, which was infuriating in a whole new way, even though I could appreciate the secrecy. In asking about membership for myself and my brothers, I found out Gio already had one, which had me tracking him down and confronting him.

I gripped his shirt and saw the amusement swirling with controlled anger in his eyes. My voice was filled with seething fury, “Why didn’t you tell us you knew about Fleur going to Club Sin?”

He pushed me back, but I didn’t let go of him. If I wasn’t holding onto him, I wasn’t sure if I could stop myself from hitting him. It’s been a while since we’ve fought, but it’s happened in the past. Giovanni might seem like the most affable of us, but he is a scrapper through and through. He fights dirty too without even a hint of shame.

That was the way of our life, the way we were raised. Getting to the top was never without breaking some rules. The only steadfast rules were about family being held in the highest regard and that the women of our hearts should be shown they are cherished. Our father held our mother on a pedestal, one she earned, and would never allow violence to touch her. Viola was treated the same.

Beyond those two things you had to do whatever you had to do to win. It created a sense of competition amongst Leonardo, Giovanni, and me. Dante was above it in some ways, but only because, as the oldest, his place within the Guidice family was secure. He would be the only one to sit at the head of the table. Thankfully, it was a place none of the rest of us ever wanted.

I’m happy to support my family. I still hold power, not only in the organization, but within the city. It’s more than enough for me. I know my brothers feel the same way. As the youngest, I could have resented it, but I never did.

Giovanni snapped at me, my grip tightening on him, “I have been there, but I’ve never seen Fleur there.” Anger flashed across his face, overtaking the joking mask he usually wore. His voice dropped into a dangerous tone, “Do you really think I would have allowed it to continue?”

I narrowed my eyes at him, challenging him with my body language and question, “Because she’s our sister’s best friend and the Devil’s Saints princess?”

“No,” he growled. “Because she’s ours.”

I released him quickly and nodded once, happy with his answer and annoyed because he was only willing to voice it now. Now that it felt like she was almost out of our grasp. We could have made a move already, she could already be warm and safe in our home, our beds.

I shook my head, “She will fight us.” My eyes hardened as I looked at my brother. “Maybe you the most.”

He shrugged one shoulder, an act of casual aloofness that, suddenly, didn’t ring as true as it did before with the confession of his feelings for our woman. “She wasn’t ready. Neither was Leo. That doesn’t change that she’s been ours for a long fucking time.”

I nodded and then left him, sending a text to him and Leo to meet me at Club Sin the following day. When we arrived, Leonardo looked ready to beat me until he bathed in my blood. His words were barely controlled, “What are we doing here?”

I nodded toward Gio. “He already has a membership, but we had to come down to get our own.” Leo opened his mouth, and I shook my head. “We’re getting a membership. I have a plan. The next time Fleur is here, I want to be able to come in and get her.” I leaned in and lowered my voice, “Do you want some other man to put his hands on what’s ours?”

Leo stared at me for a long time, but I saw the moment he broke. “No one else will touch her,” he vowed.

After a tour of Club Sin, we were shown a few rooms which were set up with different kinks in mind. I have to say, I was impressed with how thorough they were in the way they set everything up and how they considered the clientele and their pleasure.

I was surprised when we walked into Room Eight to find it filled with corsets. The thought of dressing Fleur up, pulling the ribbons tight, and giving her curves even more shape had my cock going harder than steel. It felt like everything stopped, as I met my brother’s eyes, and I could see the same thoughts going through their minds.

We wanted to dress our woman up like a doll. Gio rubbed his hands together and I swear I could see the man fucking salivate. I could only roll my eyes even while having a hard time controlling my reaction to the room and what we wanted to do.

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