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I growl, the sound feral and unhinged, at the thought of anyone putting their hands on our woman. “I’ll cut off his hands myself,” I vow as I pull back and look into Viola’s eyes.

She smiles at me like my promise is akin to being flirted with. Marco chuckles and curses under his breath, “Damn, she’s perfect.”

“She is,” I whisper.

The only thing that stops me from kissing her until neither one of us can breathe is the sound of a throat clearing behind me. I stand up slowly and pull Viola up to stand before I tuck her into my side. I could lie and say it’s to keep her steady, but it’s really because I need to touch her.

Marco flanks our woman on her other side after we’ve turned around to face Dante and the rest of the Guidice brothers while Massimo presses against her back. She’s surrounded by her men, just like she should be.

“Juan escaped,” Dante growls, but I can see the glint of a future hunt in his eyes.

“He’ll pop his head up out of the ground and when he does, we’ll handle it,” Leonardo says with a smirk.

“We’ll help,” I tell the Guidice men, knowing I can no longer view them as enemies. Does this mean we’ll be best friends? I doubt it, but I no longer feel the need to beat them. Not when I have the real prize in my arms.

Dante’s eyes soften as he looks at his sister. Before he can pepper her with questions she confirms, “I’m okay. I took a few punches and slaps and this one,” she waves her hand at the man who is still laying in a pool of his own blood, and then points to another man a few feet away, “and that one touched me, but that was it. It’s over.” She smiles at her brothers. “I knew you’d find me.”

“Bet you didn’t think we’d have the triplets with us,” Giovanni ribs her and I smirk at the way our woman’s cheeks pink.

Dante gives Viola a pointed look. “You have some explaining to do, but,” he sighs loudly, “I can’t deny that your men are loyal. And they had the balls to drive right to the front door of my home and tell me you’re their woman.”

Viola’s head snaps around and she looks up at me, her eyes wide. I nod slowly, telling her that her brother’s words are true. I’ve already apologized, but I’m not under any illusions that I won’t have to do it again. And again. And again. I fucked up and I own it, but I’ll make it up to her.

Dante stares at his sister and then surprises the fuck out of me. “Do you want to go with them or with us?”

Leonardo, Rocco, and Giovanni make sounds of protest, but Dante looks at them sharply. I find myself holding my breath while waiting for her answer.

“I’m going to go home with the triplets,” she tells her brother softly.

He nods and then steps forward to kiss her forehead. “We’ll talk about this more, but you know all I ever want is for you to be happy.”

“Thank you,” she whispers.

Dante steps back and gives me a warning look before bestowing the same on my brothers. “Your car is waiting out front for you.”

I give a nod, not even needing to ask how our car got here. It doesn’t matter how. I lead Viola away from the carnage and the stench of death, needing to get her home. I need to pamper her and show her just how sorry I am. I can only hope it’s enough.

Just as we’re about to weave our way back through the crates, Viola turns around and calls out, “Rocco.” Her youngest brother’s head snaps around and he arches an eyebrow in question. She points to the man on the floor. “Cut off his hands for me, will you?”

Rocco grins and I can’t help but chuckle as I continue to lead our woman out of the warehouse. I have a feeling it’ll be nothing more than ash by the time the Guidice family is done with it. I can’t find it in me to care.

The drive home is quiet, all of us lost in our own thoughts as we process the events of the day. It’s been a lot and I’m grateful as hell it turned out the way it did. It could have gone terribly wrong.

It didn’t, but it could have.

When we get back home, I guide Viola upstairs and into my room, my brothers not protesting when I do. They know I need to repair what I broke days ago. I don’t stop until we’re standing in my bathroom, and I love the way Viola looks around at the space with appreciation in her gaze.

I start the shower and then strip, tossing my clothes in the garbage, before I step toward our woman. “Can I undress you, Viola? Will you let me show you how sorry I am? I need to take care of you,” I confess.

I don’t entirely understand where the need to pamper her comes from, but I know I need it.

“Mateo,” she sighs. Fear fills me for an entirely different reason now. Her hands come up and cup my face as she looks into my eyes. “Are you truly sorry for what you said?” I nod. “Your words hurt me,” she pauses, and I swear my heart is going to pound out of my chest, “but I’m going to let you make it up to me.”

I practically rip the clothes from her body before I lift her into my arms and step into the shower, the warm water feeling like a baptism. This is where we get to start fresh. This is where we get to put the past behind us.

“Thank you, il nostro cuore,” I whisper against her lips before I set her down. “I’ll cherish this chance you’re giving me.”

I wash every inch of her body, my hands gliding over her skin and leaving bubbles behind in their wake. Her body responds to my touch so fucking beautifully and my cock is begging to be buried deep inside of her. Only when she’s clean, and I am as well, do I lift her and press her against the wall of the shower.

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