Page 14 of The Billionaire Bet

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He pulled back slightly to look into my eyes, studying my expression as if trying to read the emotions reflected there. His hands slid from my hair down to my shoulders, fingers mapping out the shape of me as if committing it to memory.

“I don’t want to be away from you any longer,” His words were hushed and heavy with emotion.

“W-what?” I asked, voice shaky but sincere. I looked into his soulful eyes and saw the man I loved years ago—the one who I thought broke my heart. But, it wasn’t him after all. It was his mother who’d kept us apart.

His face softened. “Our past may not have been perfect, but I want you to know something.” His voice was a husky whisper. “I never stopped loving you, not for a moment.”

My heart pounded in my chest. “You...what?”

“I never stopped loving you,” he repeated, more firmly this time. He gently wiped a loose hair off my face. “Even when we were apart…especially when we were apart. No one could ever fill the hole in my heart that was left by you.”

The intensity of his gaze sent tremors down my spine. A part of me wanted to pull away, to protect myself from the pain that could follow, but every fiber of my being longed for his touch, his presence. His gaze flickered down to my lips before he leaned in and closed the distance between us. His kiss was soft and lingering, filled with unspoken promises and regrets.

Cord pulled away and stared deeply into my eyes. “Sami, this might sound crazy. Hell, it feels pretty crazy, but can you give me another chance? Can we try this again?” He asked as he pulled away, his thumb lightly grazing my cheekbone. “The only person I’ve ever thought about is you. All I’ve ever wanted is you. I never want to be without you, or Camden, ever again. Will you let me make up for lost time?”

I looked into his eyes and instead of answering him, I slammed my lips against his.

His eyes smoky with desire, his hands made their way down my back. “God, how long I’ve dreamed about this.” His voice was gentle yet filled with a deep longing. I realized then just how much he had missed me, maybe as much as I’d missed him.

“Me too,” I replied, leaning in to capture his lips with mine once more. His hands found their way underneath my shirt, and I shivered as his cold fingers brushed against my warm skin. The feel of him was intoxicating; my knees felt weak and all I could focus on was the wonderful feeling of being in the arms of my lover once again.

Our lips moved against each other hungrily now. I tangled my fingers in his hair, and he groaned against my lips, pulling me closer to him. All thoughts of heartache and past mistakes seemed to evaporate in the heat of our shared desire. His lips trailed down to my neck, nipping lightly before soothing the sting with his warm tongue, leaving me gasping for air. My heart pounded in my chest like a drum as he pulled my blouse gently over my head, his hands expertly maneuvering their way. The fabric fell to the floor with a soft rustle, the cool air of the room making me shudder.

Reaching around my back, he unhooked my bra and pulled the straps down my arms, his eyes drinking in the sight of me as though starved. The intensity of his gaze caused heat to pool deep in my belly. I grabbed his shirt and tugged it off him with his help. The broad shoulders and firm chest I’d always loved were still there, but there was a new hardness to him that sent shivers down my spine.

“Sami...” His voice wavered as he said my name, his desire evident.

“Shh.” I placed a finger over his lips, silencing him. With a mischievous smile, I moved my hand down to unfasten his belt, his breath hitching as I did. My fingers danced over the fabric of his pants, feeling the hard lines of him underneath. I pressed my body against his, igniting a primal need within us both. He groaned low in his throat as I slowly slid the zipper down, his eyes dark with desire. The tension between us was electric, our bodies yearning for each other desperately.

Pushing him backward, he drank in the sight of me again as he undressed, revealing himself. He lowered his head to my stomach and covered my flesh with soft kisses, working his way down and running his fingers underneath the edge of my panties, teasing me. A moan escaped my mouth before he slipped them down my legs and tossed them aside. His hands began roaming my body again hungrily, setting my skin on fire where he touched.

“Sami,” he gasped as I moved against him, the sound of my name on his lips making me wild with desire. I whispered his name back to him like a holy promise, our bodies beginning to move together in an intimate dance that was as old as time itself.

We surrendered entirely to our passion, giving into one another. He pushed apart my legs and opened myself to him, his hard cock grazing against me as he inched closer.

The anticipation was maddening, each touch sending exquisite shivers coursing through my body. He lingered at my entrance, his hot breath fanning against my neck as he whispered sweet promises in my ear. “Sami,” he rasped again, his voice filled with raw, unrestrained desire.

I tilted my hips up to meet his, reaching between us to guide him into me. The feeling of him stretching me, filling me completely was like coming home. A surge of pleasure rolled over me, making me gasp in complete pleasure.

He groaned, his head falling into the crook of my neck as he started moving. Every inch of him was hard and defined against my softness. Our bodies moved in a synchronized rhythm, clashing and grinding deliciously. His thrusts grew faster, more urgent. We were lost in a whirlwind of sensation and intoxicating passion. More moans escaped from my lips as I clung onto him, feeling the coil within me tighten. I didn’t know if it was the connection between us, or the primal need to feel his body on mine once more.

With each thrust, he drove me closer and closer to the edge. My mind was spinning, my body trembling beneath his. I could see the strain on his face as he fought to hold back his own release.

“Cord,” I pleaded, my voice barely a whisper. But he heard me, his eyes flashing with unspoken promises.

“I’ve got you, Sami,” he said, his voice hoarse and breathless. He dipped his head down to capture my lips in a searing kiss, stealing away my breath as he quickened his pace. With a shuddering cry, I came undone beneath him, my body convulsing with pleasure. His name was torn from my lips as I felt him follow me over the edge, our bodies trembling together through the aftershocks.

He collapsed against me, both of us gasping for air. We were sweaty and sated, our bodies spent from the exertion. I could feel his heart pounding in sync with mine—just like it always had.


There was something about a man straight out of the shower that was a temptation I couldn’t resist. Well, something about my tall, handsome Cord that was a temptation too far. He grinned at me with that magical smile of his. I couldn’t believe how much I wanted him again, even though we’d made love at least three times already throughout the course of the night. Neither of us had slept a wink, we were too busy talking and loving each other, connecting again with our bodies and souls.

I ran my hand along his flat stomach, admiring his athletic body. When I looked up into his eyes, the way he was looking at me stole my breath away. He wanted me as much as I wanted him. I tugged the towel loose as he backed me up to the wall. Our bodies collided, but I didn’t mind it one bit as he pulled at the clothes I’d just put on.

Soon, I was as naked as he was, and his hands were on every inch of me. I couldn’t get enough. As our lips met, I could feel his body shudder with desire. Our passion was like a raging fire, consuming every inch of us. I wrapped my arms around his waist, feeling the warmth of his skin against mine. I could feel his heart beating against my chest, matching the rhythm of my own as he pulled me up to wrap my legs around his middle.

His hands moved down from my hips, leaving sparks and trails of fire in their wake. He gently caressed me, and I knew that our love was real, just as real as I’d always known but hadn’t let myself believe since Camden was born. My breath hitched as Cord kissed me deeper, his tongue exploring my mouth with a sense of urgency. I could feel myself becoming hotter with each passing moment, my body begging for the pleasure that only Cord could provide.

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