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“That part about…” he waved his hand in the air, but the gesture didn’t clarify anything. “The children part.”

Raven relaxed. “Oh. That part.” She stuffed another pillow behind her back, smothering a yawn. “Well, I’m a couple of days late.”

There was a long silence as Tim stared down at her. “You’re…?”

Raven shrugged. “I don’t know yet, Tim,” she replied with a soft voice. “I’m figuring this out, just like you are.” She reached for his hand and he took it, tightening his fingers around hers. She tugged him closer and Tim sat down on the bed beside her. “I might know a bit more about love than you,” she teased, sliding her finger down his chest. “But when it comes to babies, you and I are tied on lack of knowledge.”

He lowered his eyes, then pulled the pillow out of the way so that he could look at her belly. When he looked into her eyes again, there was hope and excitement. “We should have waited until we were married for a few years before starting a family.”

Raven shrugged. “I don’t even know if I’m pregnant,” she warned him. “It’s early days. And I’m only two days late.”

Once again, he eyed her belly and Raven was pretty sure he was trying to see through the layers of her body so that he could view the tiny cells that might eventually form a baby.

She touched his shoulder. “I’m not sure, Tim. I’ll take a pregnancy test in the morning.”

He nodded, then slipped back into the bed, pulling her into his arms. Raven rested her cheek against his chest, listening to the rapid beat of his heart.

“I’d love it if you were pregnant, Raven,” he finally said.

She smiled and kissed his chest. “Me too.”

Chapter 13

Dean watched as the man was carried out in a body bag. “Bad?” Brock asked, coming to stand next to Dean.

“Yeah,” he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. “Worse than the other bodies.”

Brock sighed. “We need a break. We know who did this, but-”

“We have DNA now,” Dean interrupted.

Brock’s mouth fell open and he turned to face his agent fully. “How the hell…?” He looked over at the table by the window where several dishes, glasses, and utensils were sitting in evidence bags. With a chuckle, Brock nodded. “Good thinking.”

Dean shook his head. “Brittany rushed back in and stopped the waitress from clearing away the dishes. If she hadn’t figured out how to get away from the guy for two minutes, the DNA evidence we need would have been lost.”

Brock nodded, respecting the agent even more for not taking the credit.

“Okay, that’s excellent news.” He looked around at the scene, seeing the paramedics and coroner, as well as five more police officers who were helping. “Even though this new victim was killed in a restaurant bathroom, and there’s probably tons of DNA from the last ten thousand people who dined here, we should still get forensics in here to find out whatever they can.”

“Already on it,” Dean replied. He nodded towards another woman. “She’s the forensic person and she found several hairs on the victim’s body. She’s taking what she finds back to the lab to analyze.”

“Good. Good!” Brock replied, nodding for emphasis. Then he tried to think of the next step.

“We need sleep,” Dean interrupted Brock’s thoughts. “I’m worried we’re missing things because we’re exhausted. According to Brittni/Brittany, this Mike guy is sleeping in a hotel room. We can assign someone to watch and alert us if he comes out during the night. But while he sleeps, we should also sleep. We gotta catch the guy before he finds Raven.”

Brock sighed, nodding his agreement. “You’re right. We need sleep.”

Raven woke up and stretched, feeling better than she had in a long time. The sunshine warmed her face and she paused, listening for movement. Was she alone?

The sudden chime of her cell phone startled her. It took her a moment to locate her phone since it had fallen under the bed. After last night’s frantic undressing, the cell phone’s placement wasn’t too much of a mystery.

Thinking it would be Tim, she answered the call without looking at the phone number. “Tim?” she gasped, pushing herself up so her elbows rested on the bed.

“Wrong,” a weird, male voice replied. “Guess again.”

Raven blinked, not sure who the caller was. “I’m sorry, but I need a hint. I don’t recognize your voice.”

She reached out and grabbed Tim’s shirt, pulling it on over her nakedness.

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