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Tim leaned forward and stole the last bite from the offending spoon, a smug expression on his face. “It’s probably because I hire someone to do all of the tasks that might fit into that category.”

Raven tried to be offended by his theft, but she was too full as well as too buzzed on chocolate and carbs. So instead of being upset, she leaned back in her chair. At this point, after half a burger, an impressive number of fries and the massive piece of chocolate cake, she couldn’t even cross her arms over her chest for fear of putting too much pressure on her over-stuffed stomach.

“That’s another possible reason. So, you’re an untried man in relationships.” She nodded as if assessing that piece of information. “I’ll add that to my list.”

“Can I see your list?”

“Why?” she asked, pulling out her wallet to pay for the meal. It was a business expense and… She stopped when he dropped cash on the table. It was more than enough to cover their meal and a large tip for the waitress.

Raven stared at the money, stunned by his generosity. And her heart pounded against her ribs. A test she had for the goodness of humanity is how they treated retail and restaurant workers. A dollar or two wouldn’t hurt most people, but it could make a huge difference in another person’s life.

Tim was overly generous. “That’s nearly a fifty percent tip, Tim,” she cautioned, staring up at him, unaware of the awe in her expression.

He shrugged and put a hand to her arm. “I have a ridiculous amount of wealth at my disposal.” He nodded towards the waitress who was helping customers at a nearby table. “Our waitress is probably working two jobs and going to college. I won’t even miss the extra ten dollars, but it might give her a bit of breathing room for a day or two.”

Raven felt as if her mouth was hanging open at his words. She was so stunned, she actually let him guide her out of the restaurant. That was wonderful insight and such a generous response to a stranger.

“This is my car,” she told him when they started to walk by her conservative sedan.

He glanced at the car, then at her, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “So, what’s next?” he asked.

She looked up at him, trying to concentrate on something other than his mouth. Raven definitely wanted to know what it would be like to kiss this man.

But he was her client! And good grief, what in the world was she thinking?!

“Um…,” she blinked, trying to remember the next steps.

Before she could react, a car turned and its tires squealed on the concrete floor of the parking garage. The sound was so abrupt, it startled Raven and she jumped.

Right into Tim’s arms.

Raven wasn’t sure if she moved forward or he did, but as the offending car drove past, she slowly looked up, staring at the man with arms that were even more muscular than she’d suspected. Her fingers gripped his biceps, feeling the muscles rippling underneath his suit jacket.

And why hadn’t she noticed those flecks of gold in his blue eyes before now?

Suddenly, his head was lowering and Raven knew in that instant that he was going to kiss her. And it was going to be…!

She gasped when his lips touched hers. The unexpected heat and the spark of electricity that burned through her, coiling low in her belly, was shocking! Instead of pulling away, Raven leaned in closer, pressing herself against his hard, powerful body. She felt light-headed and on fire. Those sensations should cancel each other out, but instead, they enflamed her desire for this man.

Tim’s lips moved over hers, lightly at first, testing her reaction. When she didn’t pull away, didn’t back up and slap him, he deepened the kiss, pulling her more perfectly against him. She was so damn soft! Tim felt as if every curve of her body fit against his perfectly. He wanted to run his hands down those soft curves, to explore and learn every inch of her. Her lips were intoxicating. She was like a drug and he couldn’t seem to stop!

Someone moaned and he wasn’t sure which of them had made the sound, nor did he care. Pulling her in closer, he shifted his lips, wanting more of her. Needing to imprint himself on this woman and ensure that she never…never…! He couldn’t think of what he didn’t want her to do. All he knew was that he wanted more.

A group of women came around the corner of the parking garage, laughing loudly, which broke through to their desire-muddled minds.

Still, he kept her in his arms, staring down at her, both of them breathing heavily. The sound of her gasp was like a dash of cold water, immediately cooling his raging libido.

“That was…,” he paused, trying to come up with the words to describe what had just happened.

“Chocolate and carbs,” she blurted.

For a long moment, he didn’t understand what the hell Raven was talking about. What the hell did chocolate and carbs have to do with that shockingly enticing kiss? A kiss that he wanted to do again! Hell, he wanted to pull her closer and show her exactly what that kiss had done to him! He didn’t bother looking down, didn’t need to in order to know that his body had reacted as expected to such a heady embrace.

Instead, he stepped back, forcing his body back under his mind’s control. “Of course. That was just the chocolate. And the carbs.” He said the words as if they both needed to justify what had happened. And yet, he didn’t understand what had happened. He didn’t like Raven in that way.

Did he?

No, they were opposites in every way. Her psychology based career wasn’t based in logic. It was too soft and gushy for real science. While his world revolved around logic and repeatable experiments to test out the accuracy of any hypothesis, ensuring that the exact same result was achieved every time.

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