Page 6 of Seen By Magnus

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“Son of a bitch. Your virgin blood on my cock makes you mine.” Why is that so hot? It’s savage, really. Primal, sure. But I love it. It does make me his, and I love that too. This should all scare me or at least give me pause, but it doesn’t. I wanted an adventure, and I damn sure got one.

“I was already yours,” I remind him, and he scowls. Hen definitely doesn’t like that he bought me. So why did he? He’s a fucking mystery.

“You feel so fucking good, Alice. Never felt anything like you, never will again. Take. My. Fucking. Cock,” his last words are punctuated with a hard thrust. I’m seeing starts, about to come again. My toes are curling in the sheets. I’m covered in sweat—his and mine. I feel his cock get bigger inside me before he growls low in my ear before he fills me with the seed he promised me.

His cock is still twitching inside me when he collapses down on top of me, his head on my chest. I wrap my arms around him, holding him to me. I the weight of him pressing me down into the mattress. I look over at the clock on the nightstand. It’s only 10:06. Still early and I’m not at all tired.


“Yes, elskan?”

“What’s your last name?”


“You never told me, and I should probably know the full name of the man whose cum will dripping out of me for days, don’t you think?”

“It’s Jorgensen.”



“Jorgensen? As in Migan Jorgensen?”

“Uh, yeah. She’s a cousin’s wife. Why?”

“She’s designed a lot of my clothes.”

“Oh. That’s interesting. Small world. They told me your name was Alice Jacobson, but they said it like I should have known who you were. Are you famous or something?”

“I wouldn’t say famous. I’m known.”

“I see.”

“I have a popular podcast and other social media. My family is real estate in New York. Lots of family money. That’s not weird, is it? I didn’t sell myself for money. I donated it all to charity. I already have a lot of money. Okay, that’s weird. Guys don’t like it when you talk about how much money you have.” I’ve noticed she either fidgets when she’s nervous or talks a lot.

“Calm down, baby. It’s fine. I have a lot of fucking money too. Men, real men, don’t give a shit how much money their woman has.”

“Okay,” she says. I move to get off of her, my cock slipping out of her. She groans. How the fuck am I still hard? I came so much. More than I ever have before.

“Let’s get cleaned up. We’ll go out. I hear Budapest is a city that never sleeps.”

“You want to go out with me?”

I look down into her eyes and stroke her soft cheek.

“Elskan, what happened to you?”

“What do you mean?” she asks, trying to push me off of her so that she can get up.

“You seem to think that I don’t really want you. Have I given you that impression? If I have, I apologize. That isn’t my intention at all.”

“I… just… no one ever.”

“I’m not just anyone, Alice.”

“Okay,” she says, smiling. “I’m trusting you not to hurt me.” It’s fucking crazy, but I love this girl. I’m going to marry her as soon as I can.

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