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A laugh bubbles up. “I guess I am.”

“You’ve got a pretty laugh.”

“Thank you.”

“Where are we walking?”

“I… I don’t know. I just thought I’d walk. It’s so beautiful here.”

“It is.” But the way he continues to look at me makes me think he’s not talking about the beach or the water.

I’ve been called beautiful my entire life, but when Max looks at me like that… I drop my gaze to the sand, where my purple-painted toes disappear under a wave.


I look up at Max’s intent stare. “Mm hm?”

“Can I ask you something?” I nod. “Are you shy?”


“Yeah, you know—a slightly introverted person who likes to spend time alone and doing alone things, like reading, and doesn’t always like to talk to people.”

I stare off into the water and think about my answer. “I’m not sure I’ve ever let myself be shy, but it definitely sounds like me.”

“You’re an intriguing woman, Cady Quinn.”

“You’re going to have to be a tolerant man to get to know me, Maximus Steele.”



We walk. We talk.

I don’t know if I asked the right questions, or if Cady is in the mood to share details of her life. I can say with certainty that she’s not one who easily opens up to new people. I think it takes her a while to trust.

I puff up like a peacock at the thought that I’m one of those few people.

She tells me about dancing classes and gymnastics she did as a young girl. She mentions her mother dying. I can tell from her voice that it torments her not to have a relationship with her half-brother and sister. She mentions those who work with her.

It doesn’t seem like she has many friends.

I want to be her friend.

Slowly, I watch as she relaxes with me. Being on the beach helps, passing people who greet us with smiles. Everyone is so happy here and it’s impossible not to have it seep into your soul. I drink in Cady’s laughs and try to hold her gaze when she meets my eyes.

It’s like I’m trying to tame a wild animal, like a deer. Inching closer and closer until she takes something from my hand.

Maybe not a deer; Cady is more like a wolf. She’s got the eyes for it, and there’s a streak of wildness running underneath the surface that does things to my cock when I let myself wonder how wild she really can be. But as much as I can begin to see the shy and lonely woman, it’s hard to forget that woman is a billionaire with an empire that rivals my father’s.

Actually, the more I’m around her here, the more I do forget Cady’s wealth. And her history.

It’s a heavy conversation for such a beautiful setting.

We stop at the Ritz and I buy her an Aperol Spritz at the bar, and we share a plate of sweet potato fries. We play with the chess pieces and watch the boats go by. I tell her about my father—the bad stuff—and my mother—the good stuff. I tell her being a Steele isn’t all it’s cut out to be.

By the time we walk back, we’re well on our way to becoming friends.

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