Page 68 of The Lazarov Bratva

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How hot Kristof is, how sexy his tattoos are, and how I want to run my tongue over that entire tiger on his skin. How thick his cock is and how he fucks like some kind of savage animal. How he’s imprinted so deeply into my soul that his very handprints feel seared to my bones, and it’s only been a day.

In my mind, Katja laughs and tells me I’m being ridiculous, that no man can do that, but I know it’s true. He’s changed something in me, unlocked something.

Then I confess to Katja that I like it. I like being wanted. I like experiencing things. I like his cock, and as much as it scares me, I like the pain.

My mind goes blank, and I open my eyes.

Honestly, I have no clue what Katja would say. My heart tells me that she would clutch at me like usual, tell me she’s happy for me, and ask for all the details, but a sensible voice in the back of my mind halts that. It tells me she would think I’m crazy, that I’m fucked up.

Suddenly, Kristof’s face bursts behind my eyes and his words fill my mind.

We’re both fucked up.

Maybe that’s why I like him. Why he likes me. He can see the dark corners and matches them with his own.

Rolling over slowly, I draw my legs up to my chest and huddle deeper into the pillows Kristof provided for me. Closing my eyes and pulling the blanket tighter, I can almost imagine his arms wrapped around me instead.

He’d been so clear. His rules were simple.

Be good. No back talk. Call him Sir. Please him when he asks.

Although, if today is anything to go by, then that doesn’t sound like a bad part of the deal. It’s intense, but even now, as my body begins to lull to sleep with the acceptance that I’m wanted for the first time in my life, I enjoy it.

I enjoyed everything we did, even as my chest throbs and the welts kiss my skin like fire.

I like it.

All I have to do is be good, prove to him that I’m not tricking him like he expects, and then he’ll let me out of here. I can start a life.

With Kristof.

A smile pulls at my lips at the thought, and my mind flickers briefly back to my parents. I doubt they will even come looking for me. If anything, they’ll give up once the appropriate time has passed and find something else to work with Mikhail’s family.

I never want to think about weddings or them ever again.

With Kristof on my mind and satisfaction in my heart, my head droops, and sleep finally takes me.

It’s unclear how long I’ve been asleep by the time I open my eyes. The world is dull, and a subtle chill runs down my arms and legs. Even under the blanket, I’m a little cold. I wish I could sleep in the bed.

Yawning slightly, I start to stretch like normal but quickly halt when the aching muscles of my thighs complain. The ache wakes me abruptly, and I groan softly. Suddenly, something knocks firmly on the cage, and I flinch, then roll over and prop up on one elbow.

The source of the darkness makes itself known. Kristof stands over me with his lips pressed in a thin line and his eyes dark. Just the sight of him makes my heart leap up into my throat. Brushing some hair away from my face, I sit up fully and squint up at him.


“Out,” he barks, and his voice is tight, making something jump excitedly in my gut. He opens the cage and steps away, his body a rigid line of tension. Dressed in dark jeans and a charcoal silk shirt, just the sight of him makes my mouth run dry in anticipation.

Stopping a few feet away, he snaps his fingers on one hand and points straight down at the space next to him.

“Come here.”



Part of me feared Alena was a dream, that I’d walk back through that door and the cage would be empty. That fear lingers right up until the moment Alena rolls over and looks up at me.

There’s something so innocent about her wide eyes as she crawls out of her cage without a single complaint. There’s a slight unsteadiness to her movements, reminding me of a deer. I can’t tear my gaze away, locked onto her as she finally settles at my feet as I requested. She blinks up at me with wide, dark eyes and stifles a yawn.

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