Page 14 of The Lazarov Bratva

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I can’t think.

I can barely breathe, and when his firm tongue presses against the seam of my lips, I follow my instincts and part them. Kristof’s tongue snakes into my mouth, stroking my own, and I stand there, utterly at his mercy. He tastes like alcohol and something sharp that I can’t put my finger on. Whatever it is, it’s addicting. He kisses me deeper, pressing his mouth firmer against mine. Finally, something in my mind kicks into gear and I grab handfuls of his leather jacket.

My senses are fogged, my mind swims, and nothing else in the world exists except Kristof and this kiss until my lungs start to burn slightly from a lack of air. I try to pull back. He doesn’t let me, instead pushing firmer against me as if trying to press us so firmly together that we become one.

I don’t mind that at all.

I don’t need air. I don’t need anything. I just need him and this sweet attention.

He’s overpowering and all-consuming, and I want it all.

My eyes close, and a soft moan bubbles up in the back of my throat. Only then does Kristof break the kiss. He leans back slightly as I drag in a desperate gasp of air. Dizziness sweeps through my mind, and I stand on unsteady legs, still clinging to his jacket, until I open my eyes.

He has a hand out between us, and on his palm sits something silver. I can still feel him against my lips, the ghost of pressure, and even when I swallow, it’s like his tongue is still inside my mouth. Blinking slowly, I study the item as it slowly comes into focus.

“Your other present,” Kristof says, his voice gruff.

In the center of his palm sits a platinum pendant with a Russian inscription etched onto the surface.

The wolf and the lamb.

“It’s beautiful,” I murmur, taking it from him with trembling fingers. Kicked back into gear, my mind races as fast as my heart pounds as I unravel the chain and slide it around my neck.

I have so much to say and ask, but before the clasp even closes, the click-clack of high heels on stone cuts through the night air. Kristof pulls away from me immediately as the shrill voice of his date slices through the air.

“Kristof! There you are. I’ve been looking for you for ages!”

Just like that, the most precious moment of my life is over.



Leaving Kristof in the garden with his date, I stumble into the house and immediately make a beeline for the kitchen with the pendant resting firmly against my breastbone.

I’m walking on air. There’s no other explanation for the light sensation of my limbs. Pushing open the door, I dart into the kitchen and squeal excitedly. Poor Katja gets so frightened that the cup she’s holding slips from her fingers and splashes back into the sudsy abyss below.

“Alena! You scared me!” She glances over her shoulder and then pauses. “Oh, my God. What happened to you?”

I rush to her and clutch her arm tightly, unable to contain the excitement bubbling inside me. I feel like I’m either going to explode or faint, maybe both.

“Hekissedme!” rushes out of me in a garble, and Katja chuckles, shaking soap suds from her hands.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“Kristof,” I hiss, tightening my grip on her arm. “He kissed me.”

Katja’s eyes widen. “For real?”

“For real!”

“Oh, my God!” Katja squeals and joins me in bouncing excitedly up and down. “What happened? How? Where?”

Releasing her arm, I dance around the island counter, clutching at my dress as the kiss replays on a loop around my head.

“We were out by the rock garden. He swept in and saved me from that creep, Mikhail, and I was annoyed with him because of what happened earlier, but then he kissed me and oh, my God, Katja, it was amazing!” I place my hands on the countertop and giggle. Excitement washes over me in delightful shivers and I tap my fingers against the granite. “His lips were so soft but hard at the same time, y’know? And he smelled all super sexy and spicy and his voice was so low and rough. Oh, God, Katja, I could die!”

The phantom pressure of the kiss still lingers against my lips, as does the heat of his body and the sharp, electric charge that filled the air between us.

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