Page 40 of Shattered Darkness

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“Me too.” He agrees, lifting my hand to his mouth and kissing it, and making me melt.

“Love you,” I mutter quietly as the door back out into the hallway comes into view.

He squeezes my hand as he replies, “I love you too.”

I thoroughly enjoy the evening spent with my men, eating food and just generally enjoying each other's company. The only time that we talk about what is going on at the moment is when we head to bed early so we can meet up for the training session with Cain in the middle of the night.


Walking into the training room, I feel Erin stretch her magic to guard the room instead of just us, and I notice that her magic has actually grown in strength since we started doing this a few weeks ago, and it makes me wonder if everyone else’s has as well. It’s certainly something that I will keep an eye on this evening.

“How are you all?” Cain asks, as he looks over us all concerned.

“Not too bad, Harry’s friends managed to use a locator spell to narrow down the location of the object to a space in the library,” Cole tells him.

“That’s great news,” Cain replies with a smile.

“Yeah, the library has actually retreated from that area, we’re hoping to know exactly what the object is soon, but it’s going to take a few times of us all looking to get through the list of artefacts to see if there’s one that’s not supposed to be there,” I explain.

“That’s if it’s not concealed or if it even in the display cases, it could be anything which means it could be anywhere in the room, even a chair or something,” Asher says as if it's just occurred to him, which to be honest, it's only just occurred to me.

“Yeah, it's not going to be simple or fast in order to find it but at least we know where to look now,” Levi says.

“And the library wants it gone as much as we do, so I’m pretty sure that it would try and find a way to warn us if it was taken and no longer there anymore,” Asher adds.

“The library is helping you?” Cain asks, his eyebrows raised.

“Yeah, it gave us the book with all the artifacts in it,” Erin replies as she stretches, getting ready for training.

“Wow. It must really want it gone, it’s rare that it cooperates with anyone. I personally think that it finds it amusing to just fight everyone and be difficult.” Cain replies with a surprisingly fond smile.

“Yeah, I'd agree with that,” Asher says.

“How about you? How is it going with that teacher?” I ask him curiously.

Cain sighs heavily, “Well every time we have a conversation I can feel a bit of that control move back, allowing him to have more of his mind back. The problem is that it means his magic has noticed and he is fighting against this control too and I’m not sure how safe that is.” He looks over at us all with a deep frown, “He was actually supposed to meet me just after dinner earlier; when he didn’t turn up, I went to find him, but he wasn’t in any of the usual places.”

“Is that out of character for him?” Dash asks.

Cain nods. “Yeah, it is. Every other time that he’s said he will meet me he has.”

“Do you want to go and look for him instead?” I ask. It’s evident that he’s worrying about his teacher friend.

Cain contemplates it for a moment and then shakes his head, “No, I’m sure he’s just gone into town or I've missed him in the areas I checked or something. Let’s get you guys training and Sage, Erin, and Cole practicing with their magic since they don’t get to at any other time of the day.”

“Okay, if you’re sure?” Levi asks.

Cain nods, and everyone drops the subject and moves away to start practicing the things that Cain has told them previously that they need to work on.

Chapter Fourteen

The task that I’ve been set to practice is moving through the air as easily as I fight on the ground. Before today, that has been by fighting against Cain since he is the only one that can do it too, although I do think that anyone who has an air gift should, in theory, be able to do it.

At least, I think they should.

“Okay, we’re mixing it up a bit today,” Cain surprises me by saying.

“Okay,” I reply cautiously. I was always wary when Cain would deviate from the plan it usually meant that I was going to get one hell of a curveball thrown at me.

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