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I blush and look around. “Everyone knows by now, Mom.”

“Well, we can pretend.” She fluffs up my veil and smiles. “I’ll be in the front row. You’re going to do great, honey. Dad is waiting for you outside the doors to the cathedral.”

She hurries off, and I look at the girls. The four of us burst out laughing.

“Well, let’s not make Luka wait any longer,” Asher says. “ He’ll think you’ve done a runner.”

“Lord help us. That man would follow you to the end of the world,” Penny says.

I smile, and we leave the room we used to wait in. We meet my father outside the doors to the cathedral, and we stand to the side while the flower girl, the ring bearer, then Ash, then Penny, and then Meryl proceed ahead of me.

The song changes to the traditional march, and my father beams at me. I slide my arm through his and smile proudly back.

The doors open, and we start to walk down the aisle. I see Luka standing at the end, beaming at me. Kervyn, Danil, and my cousin-in-law, Warrick, all stand beside him.

We walk slowly, just like we practiced, and when we reach the front, the priest steps forward. “Who gives this woman to be wed?”

“I do,” my father says, and I can hear the emotion in his voice.

Luka shakes his hand and then takes mine, leading me to stand in front of the priest facing him. I try to pay attention to what the priest is saying. I should be paying attention, but fuck, my husband looks sexy as hell in his suit. I can’t wait to get him out of it later.

I can see from the way he glances at me that he’s having similar ideas of what we’re doing as soon as this party is done.

We turn to face each other to say our vows. We opted for the generic vows because we’ve already whispered our promises to each other on warm nights while we lay naked together.

The rings go on, and the priest wraps up everything before he declares we are husband and wife. Luke gathers me in his arms and dips me down as he kisses me deeply. The cathedral erupts in cheers and applause as he brings me back up.

I take his arm, and we walk back down, the bridal party following behind us.

We take a limo to the manor where the reception is. It’s gorgeous, even more beautiful than I could have imagined.

White and frosty blue roses decorate every corner, with lush green vines hanging from the arrangements. It must have cost thousands to get right.

Luka says I’m a princess now, so there’s nothing I can’t have.

There’s a red carpet leading into the manor with little stands of water and floating candles on them. It’s magical, especially now in the dying light.

We take photos walking down the carpet. We then exit to the back garden, where we take more pictures, and after that, we attend the reception.

I thought it would be more awkward for my family to mingle with Luka’s, but it’s like he said all along they’re just a normal, loving, loyal family. One that I’m now permanently a feature in, and I couldn’t be prouder of.

In the weeks leading up to now, I’ve learned to shoot, and once I’ve given birth, Penny is taking me to self-defense classes to get into shape. Plus, I’ll still be lifting weights with the boys in the mornings.

My podcast is now viral, and everyone is booking me out for makeup appointments, many of them friends and family of Lukas.

We spend the night dancing for hours, eating until we’re full. There are fireworks on display, and every time I look, I see more presents at the gift table.

We toss the bouquet, then the garter, and play some wedding games that Asher and Penny arranged.

I’m exhausted by the time Luka comes to me, kisses my head, and says the Limo is here to take us to the hotel so we can rest before our flight tomorrow.

The guests line up in the manor hall and throw rice as we leave. We bundle into the limo, laughing and waving at everyone else who is staying to party like animals on Kervyn’s bill.

I sit back and sigh as the limo drives away from the manor.

“Hello, Mrs. Milov,” Luka purrs the words.

I turn to face him and lean in to kiss him. “Hello, Mr. Milov.”

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