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I wait nervously for them in Luka’s dining room. I don’t even know where to start.

I hear the front door open, and I hear them laughing at something one of them has said. I feel like I should be more nervous, but Asher and Penny are so nice that it’s impossible to feel awkward around them.

They walk into the dining room, pushing a stroller, each with their sleeping babes inside. Two guards follow, their arms filled with samples, magazines, and everything I could imagine we will need to start.

Anica, our maid, and another young woman come to take the children somewhere they can sleep quietly, and Asher and Penny each take turns hugging me.

“Right, are you excited?” Asher asks. “’Cause you should be. The Milov weddings are always to die for.”

Penny starts rifling through the magazines and pulls out a few with brides on the front page. “These are great to get an idea of what you want for your wedding dress, which is great.”

“Can we start with something less daunting,” I ask, smiling shyly.

“Okay, what about… flowers? Flowers are always easy to start with.” Asher picks up some horticulture magazines, and the three of us sit at the end of the table, huddled together to look at the flowers.

“What are you looking for?”

“I don’t actually know. I guess I want simple but beautiful.”

“You know you can have whatever you want. Kervyn hasn’t put a limit on the wedding.” Penny smiles brightly. “He’s just excited you and Luka are having an official wedding.”

“I guess I’ve always liked an elegant yet simple and beautiful look,” I flip through the magazine. I want blue flowers—blue and white flowers. That will be pretty.”

“Natural blue flowers or painted?” Penny asks. “Because if we have some roses sprayed frosty blue, that would be pretty.”

“I’m sure they grow frosty blue roses, Pen,” Asher says, taking out her phone to search the Internet.

I smile. “Frosty blue roses sound beautiful.”

“Okay, okay,” Asher says. “They get frosty blue roses from dying white roses, so it’s doable. Oh, we can go for a marbled look, a mixture of frosty and dark blue.”

“You don’t think it’s too fake, do you?” I ask worriedly. “Like people will have a problem with it.”

I put a hand to my head. The girls don’t notice, as Penny says, “Fuck what other people say. Kervyn taught me that. Do what makes you happy… Hannah, are you okay?”

“Just a slight headache,” I say.

“Here, I have some Aspirin.” Penny rummages through her bag and produces a bottle, passing it to me. “It’s the kind you can chew.”

“Thanks so much. You ladies really are prepared. I must be coming down with something. I’ve been having cramps in my legs, backache, and headaches. Maybe I pulled something.”

“With Luka?” Asher teases.

I blush crimson.

“Listen, we’ve discussed it, and there’s something in the Milov bloodline... They just know how to drive a girl wild.” Penny giggles. “And Luka probably the most.”

I grin mischievously and shrug. “I mean. It’s not bad.”

“Compared to everyone else you’ve had?” Asher asks curiously.

“I…” I hesitate, and Penny squeals.

“He took your V card. Now, that is special. I hope he was gentle…” Penny smiles and holds up a picture. “Here’s an idea for your bouquet. Some vines hanging down from the roses will look gorgeous.”

I take the magazine and rub my temple with my free hand. “Man, this headache is persistent.”

“You know we have our own doctor and clinic, right?” Penny says with a smile. “Why don’t we stop there and get you checked out and then go for lunch? Then we can go hit some of the bridal shops and see what they offer.”

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