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I think I love her.

It’s moved past just wanting to possess her body and mind. I want our souls to be connected for an eternity.

We go upstairs to her recording room, where she sets up everything before she sits down at the table. I grab a chair and sit in the corner quietly. At first, I opt to play quietly on my phone, but as she starts recording, I can’t help but watch her. She can’t see me because her back is to me, but I can see her, and I can hear the confidence in her voice. She’s like a whole different person to the shy, introverted woman that she first appears.

I don’t even notice the two hours that go by from start to finish as she records. When she turns to me to say, ‘That’s a wrap,’ I give her a small applause.

Naturally, she blushes and tells me to hush. “I need to edit it now. That’s going to take a while.”

“Well, do it while we have dinner. Then we can crawl into bed together and relax.” I walk over to her.

“I’ll need longer than dinner. My software is old.” She grabs her laptop and stands up.

“Why don’t you buy the new software? I’ll pay for it,” I say. “I don’t mind.” I take out my wallet, take out my credit card, and hand it to her.

“You’re joking, right? You just bought all this sound equipment.” She looks up at me.

I lean in so we’re inches away. “I will spoil you like the princess you are.” I kiss her softly before I offer her my hand.

I stand and lead her downstairs. She sets her laptop up on the dining room table and only moves it slightly out of the way when the food is served.

“This one is only three hundred dollars.” She shows me the screen.

“Get the best one,” I say. “That way, you’ll always be able to edit nicely.”

She looks at me hesitantly and I hold my hands up. “No strings attached. If you walk out of here, the software will remain yours along with all the sound equipment.”

She blushes and says. “There is one… that I wish I could have. It’s really expensive, though.”

“Get it,” I say. “Consider it a wedding gift.”

She smiles and carries on while I eat dinner. She takes bites between buying the software, installing it, and starting to set it up and use it.

I eat my dinner, watching her curiously. I only really know technology for playing video games and even that is stretched. I manage to play well on my phone and PlayStation.

When I’m done, I look at her. “I’m going to get into bed and play some video games. Do you want to come and edit on my bed?”

“Sure,” she says absentmindedly.

I grab us two sparkling waters and I lead her upstairs. She lies on her stomach on the bed with her laptop on the bottom end of the bed. Kitty comes in and lies on her back as she works.

I don’t know how that can be comfortable.

I rest back against the headboard and pick up my PSP. I load a racing game and start to play.

It’s contentment as we lay there next to each other, she working and me playing games.

The hours tick by, and when I check the clock, it’s one in the morning. “Hannah. It’s one o’clock. We should get some sleep.”

“I just finished,” she says. “I don’t know if it sounds good, but I’ve uploaded it, and it should be published within the next twenty-four hours.”

She shuts her laptop and moves to put it on the bedside table. “I’m going to get changed quickly,” she says.

“Just sleep in your clothes,” I say. “Or strip to your underwear.”

She looks at me. “No hanky panky.”

“The fact you call it hanky panky is hilarious, but no, I’m too tired.” I put my PSP away and lie down to show her I mean business.

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