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I hurry downstairs where Monty is waiting with my protein shake. “I just need to speak to Hannah quickly. Did she come downstairs?”

“She’s just left with Jonah. She wanted to go to the library to return her books and check out more. Should I call him?” Monty hands me my shake.

I take a deep swig before shaking my head. “No, I’m late. I’ll catch up with her later.”

I walk out of the house and to my Ferrari. It’s parked closest today. The guys must have been washing it. I get in and drive toward the gym rather haphazardly.

Once I’m there, I hurry in. It doesn’t look like much of a gym—honestly, it’s not much of a gym. It’s got a good weights room, though, and we work out here every day. It’s owned by Arseny, so there are free life memberships.

As I walk in, I find Wynter spotting Arseny on the bench—talk of the devils. I set my bag down and start warming up. “Sorry, I’m late.”

“It’s fine. You look rough, though. Out partying all night?”

“Not with me,” Arseny grunts before Wynter helps him lift the weights onto the stand. He sits up. “And we had plans to meet up at Afantasy.”

“Shit, was that last night? I’m sorry I got… busy.” I feel uncharacteristically shy about Hannah and my night. Normally, I don’t mind bragging about my conquests, but Hannah wasn’t that. Hannah was more.

“It was a girl. The same girl you backhandedly married?” Wynter asks.

“It doesn’t matter,” I say, lying on the bench and preparing to take the weights.

“Did she not enjoy it?” Arseny asks.

“She enjoyed it, I think.”

“Did you ask her?” Wynter asks as I start to lift the weights.

They give me a moment to do my reps, and when I set it down and take a breather, I say, “She went to the library this morning before I could speak to her about last night.”

“You just let her leave. Do you think she has regrets?” Clyde asks from across the room, where he is working on his biceps.

“I hope not…” I blush this time and repeat my reps.

“What does ‘I hope not’ mean?” Wynter watches me, and when my face goes way too red to be from lifting weights, he groans. “You took her V card, didn’t you.”

Arseny perks up at this. “And you didn’t speak to her this morning?”

“If you were hoping to convince this girl you like her, you’ve blown that.” Clyde chuckles.

I sit up. “I wanted to take her on a picnic, but she wasn’t interested in that. I don’t know what to do to win her over. Last night was a fluke, and yeah, she said she’d never… before… and I was gentle and everything.”

Arseny chuckles as we swap places so he can spot Wynter while he does his reps. “You force the girl to marry you and take her V card. You’re a dog, Luka.”

“Please don’t say that,” I groan. “I don’t want her to think I’m a dog.”

“Since when have you cared?” Clyde asks. My older cousin walks over and ruffles my hair like I’m a lost kid.

“I don’t care,” I scoff, trying to sound casual.

“You care,” Arseny and Wynter say together. Then Wynter sits up and says, “I’ve never seen you care about a girl the day after, not once in all your playboy life. Now you’re worried about this girl who you barely know. You should go home and make this right with her.”

I get the weights to work my arms. “I don’t even know what to do.”

“Talk to her,” Arseny suggests. “Get a feel for how she’s doing, if she needs anything.”

“I want… I want to take her out, but she seems so difficult to please,” I admit.

“What does she like? Aside from serial killers,” Wynter says. I look at him, and he chuckles. “I listened to her podcast. She’s not half bad.”

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