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She looks visibly relieved that we’re not actually stalking her. Luckily, she doesn’t put two and two together and asks how we had her address for the cab in the first place. Then I’d have to admit Monty went through her clutch and checked her ID.

She would probably freak out.

We pull up to her apartment, and my men, myself, and Hannah follow inside. “Tell us what you need to take, and my men will help.”

She picks up a cat in her arms. It’s fluffy and cute. I reach to stroke it, and it purrs softly. I can charm anything. “Is it a girl?” I ask.

“Her name is Kitty,” Hannah says with a slight nod before she carries Kitty over to a carry case and slips her inside. Kitty meows in protest. “We’ll have to keep her locked in a room so she doesn’t run outside and get lost.”

“That’s fine. I have more than enough guest rooms,” I explain. She hurries to her bedroom and starts to pack. I wonder if this is how Penny and Asher felt when my brothers forced them into marriage. I mean, I’m not forcing Hannah into marriage, but I do want to protect her… and have a little fun.

Hannah seems awkward as my men follow her, waiting for instructions.

“What do you want to take?” I ask. “Tell me, and I’ll tell them what to pack.”

Hannah looks around her bedroom. “My sound equipment from the front room. I’ll pack my bags.”

I turn to two of the guards. “Carefully pack up her sound equipment in the front room.” I turn to another guard. “Get her cat's stuff and pack that.”

I stand and look around her room. It’s got colorful wallpaper, and she has some artwork up. I move to take a closer look. “Did you paint these yourself?”

“No, my cousin Meryl paints in her spare time,” she says.

“They’re good,” I comment. “Maybe she can paint something for me.”

Hannah looks at me curiously, then continues to pack. She shyly packs some underwear, and I look away so she has some privacy, though, in my heart, it would be way more fun to make her squirm. I go to her dressing table and look at all her makeup. “You love makeup.”

“I’m a makeup artist by trade. I need makeup to do my job.” She closes her suitcase and packs another before she comes over and packs up her makeup. “Am I still allowed to complete my work commitments while staying with you?”

“I’m sure it’s fine,” I say. “Though you won’t need the money. I’ll provide everything you need.”

“I still need to pay for my apartment,” she says. “For when I come back.”

“I’ll pay the apartment up for the next six months to give you a break,” I grin. “It’s really no problem.”

“Am I going to be with you for six months?” she asks quietly.

“I don’t know, but try not to worry about it.” I take her large makeup bag, which is on wheels, and hand it to a guard. She follows.

“And if I need to come back for anything? A guard will bring me?”

“Yes, of course,” I say. “If you have forgotten anything, you can come and fetch it.”

“My books,” she says suddenly. “I need my books.”

I snap my fingers. “Monty, make sure the guards bring Miss Jenson’s books.”

She eyes me out and then leads me out of the apartment. I follow with a small smirk.

“I will give you a quick tour of the estate, and then I need to check on the casino and get some things done.” I lead her back to the car. “What are you going to spend the day doing?”

“Is your estate quiet? I need to record my podcast.”

“Yes, you can set up in the library or one of the studies.” I smile brightly.

“Why do you have more than one study?” she asks curiously.

“In case someone stays over, and it’s for business, and they need somewhere to work,” I explain.

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