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I hold up my hands. “Easy there, I’m not going to hurt you.”

“You brought me, a stranger, to your house,” she stammers. “I want to go home.”

I gesture to the coffee. “I’m happy to get you home. I had some coffee made for you to combat that hangover.”

She eyes me out wearily. “What happened last night?”

I sigh and pick up my protein shake, sipping it. “You were having quite a party with your cousins when someone decided to shoot up my casino.”

“The gunshots…” she breathes the words out. “I remember that.”

“Your cousin dragged you back into the VIP section, but there was a stampede, and you got separated. I pulled you to safety and brought you here to sleep off the alcohol.”

“Why didn’t you take me home or to the hospital?” she asks.

“You were drunk, not injured. I doubt the hospital has time to sober people up. And I didn’t know where you lived. You were too drunk to tell me. You don’t need to worry, I behaved. I slept in the guest bedroom.”

She blushes a deep red, and it’s quite adorable. I motion to the coffee again, “It’s not poisoned, I promise.”

She hesitantly slips the pen into her clutch before moving forward to sit at the table. “Am I your prisoner now?”

“Not at all. In fact, I was waiting for you to wake up so I can take you home.” I sip on my protein drink. “Then I’m off to the gym, and then I’m going to go inspect the damage those thugs did to my building.”

“Was anyone hurt?” she asks, looking at me with impossibly big eyes.

“Not that I’ve heard, which is a good thing. It seems they were looking to stir up trouble more than anything else. Drink your coffee. Do you want sugar?”

She sips her coffee and sighs softly. “Why are you being nice to me?”

“Why? Am I supposed to be a dickhead? Women complain there are no nice guys, and when we’re nice, they question our motivations.” I chuckle. “I’m just pulling your leg. My mama raised a good man, that’s all. I'll take you home once you’re done with your coffee.”

“I’d rather get a cab? If you don’t mind.” She whispers the words as though she’s afraid to offend me.

“Are you sure? I don’t mind driving you myself.” I motion to Monty. “Or I can have Monty drop you off.”

“No, a cab will be fine if you wouldn’t mind calling one for me. My phone is dead.”

I click my fingers. “Monty, order Miss Hannah a cab to take her home.” I give her a reassuring smile.

“Yes, sir,” the burly man says, stepping outside.

Hannah finishes her coffee and looks around. “You have a nice place.”

“Thanks, this is just one of the places I stay. My estate is further away, and I thought it would be easier to come somewhere closer.”

“Oh, okay,” she says. “Thank you for saving me. I realize I haven’t said thank you properly. You didn’t have to do that.”

“I felt like I did,” I respond honestly. “I felt like we were two worlds drawn together by some form of gravity.”

The silence following my words is thick but not awkward. Her face is that deep red again, almost like her hair.

“Apologies,” I finally say. “I’m always a little nervous when I’m around a beautiful woman.”

She looks down, embarrassed. I stand. “I’ll wait outside with you for your cab before I go to the gym.”

She stands quickly. “You don’t have to do that.”

“I insist,” I say with a smile. “Come along.”

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