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“Right, the year I wasn’t allowed to come visit.” I hope she’s teasing and isn’t really hurt about that.

“You went overseas to the Alps. Come on.” I see her smiling, and I return the smile. “I’ll get dressed, and then we’ll go grab dinner and see a show.”

“We’ll see what’s out there,” she says, pulling out a gorgeous cocktail dress.

“See you in five.” I kiss her head and go to my room.

When I come out of the room, I’m dressed in a red cocktail dress and strappy heels. My hair is curled, and my makeup is flawless. I feel fantastic, and even better, when my little sister steps out looking like quite the young woman. Her black cocktail dress is figure-hugging, and even though she’s a lot smaller than me, she still has some curves. Her hair is straightened with a little bounce to it, and her makeup isn’t overdone. She looks very mature and every bit ready to have a fun night out.

In no time, we’re in the busy streets of Vegas. Finding decent parking at night isn't easy, so I park at a place I know, and we walk down the strip. I can see Piper’s eyes light up with excitement.

We reach Zeek’s and Leigh squeezes us into an outside table. “This place is cool,” Piper says. “You must come here a lot that they’ll squeeze you in like that.”

“Penny is popular here, and I come here often with her,” I explain.

Piper looks at the menu. “Can we get a shooter?”

“Piper, you’re under age.” I look around. “But I guess one won’t hurt. They won’t card us here.”

The waitress comes over. She’s our usual waitress, Gill.

“Hey, can I get two shots of vodka, a glass of wine, a soda and two bottles of water, small and still for the table?” I say. “We’ll order our mains when you come back.”

“Got it, no problem.” Gill looks at Piper, who gives her a big smile. Gill turns to me, and I’m worried Piper is going to get carded when Gill says, “Is this your sister? Cause she looks just like you.”

“Yes, I am. Hi, I’m Piper.” She holds her hand out, and Gill shakes it.

“How come you never told me you had a sister? And how come we’ve never met her before?” Gill asks.

“She stays out of state. She’s studying to be a doctor.” I smile proudly. “This is the first time she’s visited in two years, and I knew I had to bring her here for the food.”

“Well, let me get your drinks, and we’ll get started on those mains.” Gill goes off, and I let out a sigh.

“After we eat, we can go for a walk to look at everything and see if we can find a show that’s open and still has tickets.” I smile at her. “I can’t wait until you’re officially of age and can party with me. We’ll tear it up.”

“Maybe that’ll be sooner than you think.” She winks at me, and I wrinkle my nose.

“It won’t be until you’re twenty-one, honey.” I look at the menu. “Now everything is to die for but especially their pasta. I order spaghetti every time, but I might be daring this time and get some Alfredo with a creamy cheese and ham sauce.” I look at her. “What would you like?”

“I’ll have the same. It sounds delicious.”

Gill returns with a tray with our drinks and sets them down in front of us. “Here you go. Are you ready to order?”

“Two Alfredos with the Tagliatelle, please, Gill.” I smile. “And bring extra Parmesan,” I add.

“You got it, love. Enjoy your drinks.” She goes off, and we pick up our shots.

“Cheers,” I say, clinking our glasses together. We down our shots, and I’m surprised when Piper doesn’t pull a face. “Ah, I see you have been attending parties on campus.”

“Just one or two. I like vodka. It’s tasty.”

“Spoken like someone who could only be my sister,” I chuckle. I sip my wine, and Piper pours her soda into a glass.

“I wish you’d ordered me wine as well,” she says.

“Don’t push it.”

We eat our food and I pay the bill before I lead Piper out and along the main road. I smile. “How good was that food?”

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