Page 91 of The Coach

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Unknown: I’m not kidding around here, Jolene. Tell me who that was. Tell me you’re okay.

“You okay?” Will asks as I scan the texts.

“Yeah. I just missed a bunch of messages.” I ignore the texts for now and pull up a photo to show Will. I flash the screen at him rather than handing him the phone just in case Mr. Unknown decides to text again, though truth be told I didn’t even know he had my number.

I suppose it’s somewhere at the Complex so the team can contact the media at any given moment.

“He’s a cute kid. Looks just like you,” he says.

I’m not sure if that’s his way of saying I’m cute or if he’s just complimenting my kid. “Thanks,” I murmur.

His mom brings over our lunches—ham and Swiss on sourdough along with a cup of broccoli cheddar soup, and we dig in as we catch up. We shift to work topics as I fill him in on what I’ve done over the course of my career, and he tells me how he’d love for me to come speak in his classroom one day. I agree to set up a date in March once the season is over, and then we’re done eating.

“I better get back to my hotel so I can get this story to my editor,” I say.

He looks a little disappointed. “When do you head back to Vegas?”


“And tonight? Are you free?” he asks, the hope in his tone evident.

“Unfortunately I’ve got plans with an old friend, but thanks so much for asking.”

He nods, accepting the rejection with grace even though he definitely seems disappointed. It’s not like we’re going to start up something long-distance. I don’t even have time for a relationship right now, to be honest. I barely have enough time to see my own kid.

But somehow…it seems like I can make an exception for Lincoln.

Maybe Lincoln has always been my exception.

I guess I’ll find out tonight.


She’s not answering my texts, and I’m not sure how to take that.

I know I shouldn’t be worried about her. She can handle herself, and it seemed like she knew that guy.

Still, what happened last night is fresh in my mind. She was scared as some asshole manhandled her, and I refuse to standby while another asshole hits on her.

I realize it isn’t my place to protect her, but that doesn’t make my feelings any less intense.

So rather than participating in the conversation around me with the current and some former coaching staff of the university I attended, I’m tapping my foot impatiently as I wait for her to text me back.

I think about texting one more time, but five unanswered texts seems like one too many. I sent four, and a fifth isn’t going to be the one she finally answers.

Patience, Nash. Patience.

I thought I had some, but it appears the moment Jolene Bailey walked back into my life, she stole it away the same way she stole my breath.

This is fucking ridiculous.

I should not be hung up on some woman.

I have neither the time nor the inclination for these types of distractions, but knowing we’re having some sort of conversation tonight has me on edge.

That was incredible, Linc.

Her voice was breathless and full of emotion as she murmured the words in my ear, and it took me back nearly two decades.

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