Page 30 of The Coach

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“Jolene,” Jack says, and my chest tightens.

“Jolene Bailey, VG-oh-three. Will you be trading for one of your brothers to play for the Aces?”

Of course she’d jump in like a shark. She didn’t ask that question during our exclusive, which only makes me think she held onto it to ask it in a more public setting.

My eyes hold onto hers as the anger pulses through me.

Confident, Calm, Clear, and Courageous.

I can’t let her see she’s affecting me. “We haven’t made any decisions on new player acquisitions just yet.” I leave it at that. The other reporters got a much more courteous response, but I can’t give her more than that. The truth is that yes, I want one of my brothers on my team, and we have an open position that needs to be filled by one of the greatest tight ends who ever played the game.

But I haven’t even spoken to my brother about it yet. I haven’t spoken to Jack about it yet, either.

I’ll talk to him today or tomorrow about it, and then I’ll talk to my brother in person when I head to New York for the weekend.

Still, her question bothers me.

It has to be because she is the one asking it when she already had her chance to ask questions.

But I have a feeling she’s going to use this season to annoy the fuck out of me with her questions. I refuse to admit that it’s kind of a turn on.

Jack takes a few more questions, but my mind lingers on her.

I need a drink. I need to get her out of my head.

Ellie meets me behind the press room afterward. “You did great, Coach.” She offers a wide smile. “Our contract is in your inbox whenever you’re ready to sign.”

Jack laughs as he slings an arm around his sister-in-law. “You made quick work of that one.”

She giggles and waves. “I need to get home to the kids. Jack, we’ll see you tomorrow?”

He nods, and she scampers off.

“Steve and I would love to take you for a celebratory drink with Mike and Andy,” he says, naming the offensive and defensive coordinators who I’ve yet to have a real conversation with. “We’ll wait for the media to clear out then head to the place across the street in an hour or so. Work for you?”

I nod.

I don’t have any other plans, and I can’t think of four men I’d like to befriend more than the four he just mentioned…and besides, after that press conference, I sure as hell could use a drink.

Preferably a strong one.


I catch up with some reporters I’m friendly with after the press conference, and I sit in my car as I text Sam afterward.

Me: Want to bring the boys to the Gridiron for dinner? My treat and I’m right across the street.

She writes back right away.

Sam: They both said yes. We’ll be there in ten.

I leave my white Volvo SUV where it is and walk across the street to my dad’s barbecue joint.

It always sort of feels like home when I step into the place, and it’s because in a lot of ways, it is. My mom’s personal touches are everywhere, but it’s my dad’s pride and joy. Aside from my son and me, of course.

They don’t come in as often as they used to, maybe once a week now just to check on things, but when we first moved to Vegas, my parents practically lived here. I attended UNLV, so I came by frequently since it’s not too far away, and it always felt like a place to get a good meal and a strong drink.

It’s a little after five on a Friday, so the crowd is starting to pick up. The bartenders all know me by name, and I slide onto a stool across from Alex, one of my favorites mostly because of his entertaining storytelling abilities.

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