Page 217 of The Coach

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“I’m sorry,” she whispers. “I know this will change things between us, but please, please don’t let Cade see it. I’m fine. I’ve been living with this for years, and I will continue to keep it in check.”

He lets out a heavy sigh, and then he mutters, “I need to go.”

I hear the front door open and close, and instead of getting in the shower like I should have several minutes ago, I emerge from the bedroom, walk to the kitchen, and take my crying best friend into my arms to comfort her.

What a crap start to what’s going to be an epically shitty day.


I’m shaking by the time I arrive at the office.

I need to confront Rivera, but I need to do it in a way that doesn’t cost me my job. I need to do it with patience, grace, and dignity.

I draw in a few deep breaths that do nothing to calm the raging fury inside me, and I head into the building.

He’s in Marcus’s office again, just sitting there smugly like he owns the goddamn place, and I walk in and slam the door behind me.

I guess I left my patience, grace, and dignity in the car, but my temper sure as hell came to work with me today.

“I had my chance?” I demand.

He laughs, and he looks like a measly little rat sitting there with that self-righteous smirk.

God, I could punch that look right off his face.

“Well, yeah. I warned you, and you didn’t seem to care. So…” He shrugs as if to say this is my own fault.

“So…what?” I demand.

“So I gave the photos to a friend and let her do with them what she wanted.”

“You gave them? Or you sold them?”

“Potato, po-tah-to,” he says, as if it doesn’t matter whether he made money off this deal.

But it does.

“You’re a real piece of work,” I hiss.

“And you better be careful, darlin’. Because Marcus put me in charge, and I think I might just reassign you while I’m here in this position.”

“He didn’t put you in charge, you idiot,” I fume. “That’s not within your jurisdiction, so come off your high horse. You better believe Marcus will find out who published that article, and then your ass will be on the line. Was it worth it?”

“To see you out of your correspondent position?” he asks. “Hell yeah, it’s worth it.”

“God, I hate you.”

“You said that about Nash, too, but now you’re obviously spending the night at his place.” He shrugs. “Maybe I’m next.” He raises his brows suggestively.

“You should really be more careful about the things you say to me. Human resources is only a floor away, and that’s twice now you’ve sexually harassed me.”

He holds both hands up innocently. “I didn’t touch you.”

“You should probably look up the definition of harassment. I let you threaten me before and I stayed quiet because I didn’t want those photos to get out. But now they’re out, and you best believe I won’t be quiet this time.” I storm out of the office, leaving those words in my wake.

I move toward my cubicle, and I find Sanders waiting there to talk to me.

“Nash, huh?”

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