Page 202 of The Coach

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He runs both hands through his hair, and he tugs at it a little. When he’s done, the result is that his hair is sticking up. I brush it down for him with my fingertips as I press the front of my body to his.

“I’m yours,” I say softly. “Never doubt that again.”

He draws in a breath as if he’s breathing me in. “Okay. I need to get back to the office, and you need to get home. No more dates. Understand?”

I can’t help but push back to the way he just worded that. “I make my own decisions, so I’m not going to stand here and say yes, sir. But I will say that there is nobody else I want to be with, and you are mine as much as I am yours.”

He clenches his jaw at my words, but eventually he nods. “Fine.” He leans down for another quick kiss, and then he walks out the back door of the break room.


Games aren’t broadcast on VG-oh-three, but because I’m the local team correspondent for our little station, I’m allowed on the sidelines during all home games, including preseason ones like today. I’ll be in the crowd at away games, but the first pre-season game is being played at our home field against the Falcons.

I’ve been on the field before, but not during a game. The excitement is palpable, and nerves rack me as I get ready to watch this team that means so much to me play their first game.

All eyes will be on Lincoln as he takes the field for his first ever game as a head coach, and I can’t wait to watch him in action.

I arrived early here at the stadium, and I’ve already interviewed several coaches, including Lincoln, and several players during warm-ups. I’ve talked to fans to gather their reactions, and Dave has been with me catching video all morning. We’ve already recorded several teasers and broadcast a couple of live segments to get our viewers excited about our home team this year.

Kickoff is at one o’clock, and in just a few minutes, teams will be introduced onto the field.

The crowd is gathering in their seats, some with beer and others with snacks, and fans are ready.

I watch as the coaching staff starts to take the sideline. My eyes are on the head coach, and he glances around the stadium for a few beats before his eyes land on mine.

His lips curl into a small, secret smile meant just for me, and I watch as a sense of calm seems to wash over him.

He’s ready for this. He’s nervous and excited, of course, but he’s ready.

The announcer takes the microphone, and the crowd goes wild as he starts introducing the players. Everyone is here, though our starters will only take the field for a short time.

Lincoln still hasn’t announced who will be our starting quarterback, and both Miles and Brandon are dressed for the game.

A rush of excitement fills me as I watch the sideline in front of me fill with players, and then the other team is announced. One national anthem and coin toss later, and it’s finally time for kickoff.

The Aces get the ball first, and the Falcons kick it deep but kick returner Isaiah Taylor catches it and runs it up the field all the way into Falcon territory on the thirty-five yard line.

All eyes are on the sideline as we watch to see which quarterback will take the field, and I see Lincoln as he nods at number ten: Miles Hudson.

The crowd goes wild as we all watch with anticipation to see what this brand-new quarterback out of Northwestern can do for this team as he steps into the shoes of the formidable JD5 himself, Mr. Jack Dalton.

Miles runs onto the field and completes his first pass and his second. The boys move up the field and he hands off to Jaxon Bryant, who rushes into the end zone to score on the first drive of the game.

The crowd goes wild.

Miles plays a few more drives before he’s replaced with Brandon, who scores on his first throw, too. The Falcons are held to a field goal, and I watch the game and take notes as I report back to the studio and scribble questions to ask when I get a moment with a player or a coach. Before I know it, it’s halftime, and the second half is just as fast.

The Aces end up winning by a healthy seventeen points. Coach Nash led his team to victory in his first ever game as a head coach with a new team and new leadership.

The sense of pride that bubbles up inside me is overwhelming.

The home team’s fanbase goes wild, spilling out into the concourses to celebrate the first victory of the preseason as they make their way toward the exits. Even from my spot on the field, I can hear chants of excitement.

I hang around for the post-game press conference. Dave leaves, but I wait in my seat patiently in the media room as the rest of the media members clear out.

I’m the sole person remaining, and I’m still scribbling notes when the door opens and Lincoln steps in.

“Good game, Coach,” I say softly.

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