Page 171 of The Coach

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Later in the evening, I pull into the Gridiron to meet Jeremy and Jonah, and my baby boy comes running up to me the second he sees me. I guess Jeremy didn’t tell him I was coming, but I physically see a change in my son’s demeanor the second I arrive. I wish I got it on video to share with my lawyer.

More ammo against the ex.

But I didn’t, and now we’re here at my dad’s restaurant putting in our order. We’re seated at a booth, and Jonah sits next to me instead of his father—something his father clearly finds offensive by the way he rolls his eyes as we slide into the booth together.

“How was school?” I ask, putting the attention on my son.

He starts in on a story when Jeremy interrupts.

“Yeah, I don’t know what school was like for Luna and Lily today since Alyssa just up and walked out with them.” He shrugs, and I can’t tell if he’s just trying to steal attention, if he’s upset, or what the hell he’s doing.

I glance over at him with a dirty look that he clearly misses, and then I turn back to Jonah. “You were saying?”

He tells his story while Jeremy peruses the menu, paying no attention to our son, and then Debbie appears at our table.

“The usual for you two?” she asks Jonah and me, and I smile and nod. “And you?” she asks. She knows who Jeremy is, and since she’s basically an extension of my family, she hates him.

And I love her all the more for it.

He places his order, and then he looks at me. “Tell me how to get her back.”

“I’m not your therapist, and this isn’t an appropriate discussion to have in front of our son,” I say pointedly.

He blows out a frustrated breath. “I told you I needed someone to talk to.”

“And I agreed to dinner so I could see Jonah. Phone a friend if you need someone to talk to,” I suggest.

He rolls his eyes. “Fine. I’ll call my good friend Ryan Rivera. See what he’s up to.” He hisses it as if I’m supposed to feel threatened by that.

“Okay, good. Glad you have someone.” I smile tightly, but he doesn’t return the smile.

Instead, he gets up and walks out of the restaurant.

I glance at Jonah, and he looks confused—but not entirely upset.

“Is…is he coming back?” he asks.

I shrug, but then my eyes move out the windows toward the parking lot where I see him get in, start the car, and drive away.

“Let’s just enjoy dinner, and if he doesn’t come back, you’ll come home with me,” I say as Debbie sets our drinks in front of us.

“I kinda hope he doesn’t come back.”

Me too, kiddo. Me. Too.


It’s another event out with my girlfriend, and frankly I’m ready for this farce to come to an end. I’m tired of faking it with my girlfriend’s best friend, of pretending to be something I’m not. Of all of it, really.

But Ellie’s right—we have to handle the media a certain way, in particular the gossip sites, and so we’re here tonight pretending to be a happy couple who’s also going through a rough patch.

“That guy has been following us for the last twenty minutes,” Sam says quietly as we head over to the bar. She angles her head toward a man a few yards away, and I glance back at him. I’m certain I’ve seen him before, and I think he might be another member of the paparazzi.

I’ve also spotted Ryan Rivera here, and my skin crawled the entire time I talked with him. Something about that guy pisses me the fuck off. I wonder if I’d feel the same way if he’d scored the correspondent position over Jolene, but he didn’t, so I guess I don’t have to worry about it.

Tonight’s event is a fundraiser for a local food bank, and I’ve already chatted with the CEO about our podcast ideas and how we might be able to work together. We’ve eaten dinner, I’ve made my donation, and we can leave soon.

But first…it’s time to put on the show.

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