Page 153 of The Coach

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He doesn’t pull out of me quite yet, but he reaches around me and grabs something off the desk. I see a tissue, and as he slowly pulls out, he uses it to catch the remnants of what he left behind when he exploded inside me.

He cleans me up first and then himself, and he glances around for a beat, unsure what to do with the tissues. He balls up a few more tissues around it before dropping them into the trash can. It’s the best we can do after getting down and dirty in someone else’s office.

He puts his dick away as I pull my panties back on, and then I grab my lipstick out of my clutch to fix it.

“You’re perfect,” he says softly, and he presses a kiss to my cheek. “Thank you for meeting me in here. I saw you talking to Austin, and I just—”

“Got lost in a jealous rage?” I finish, and he chuckles.

“No. I mean, maybe a little. But we both knew this was inevitable tonight, and I figured we should make it happen before my parents got here.”

My chest tightens and my heart races at the same time. “Your…your parents?”

He nods. “Yeah. When Jack heard they moved to town, he added them to the guest list.”

“Oh shit.”

“What? Nervous to see them again after all these years?” He cracks a smile.

I shake my head. “My parents are coming tonight, too.”

His eyes grow wide. “Oh shit.”

“Yeah. We better get back out there.”

He nods. “You first or me?”

“I’ll go.”

I peek out the office and see the hallway is empty, and first I head out to the gardens and take the door in toward the other entrance where the restrooms are. I head in there, freshen up, and fix my lipstick one more time, and then I head back to the ballroom, where I see Lincoln.

He’s talking to his father on one side of the room just as I see my parents enter on the other side.

Well that’s one surefire way to kill the buzz of the afterglow.


I’m still sweating from that hot encounter in that deserted office when I return to the ballroom. I beeline for the bar and grab myself a whiskey before I hear my dad’s voice in my ear.

“Where’s that Bailey girl? I know she’s here tonight.” He’s hissing at me, and I wonder if he can smell her pussy on the fingers that are currently gripping my glass of whiskey for dear fucking life.

I clear my throat as I grapple with words, still not quite planted back in reality after what just happened between Jolene and me.

“What’s the matter with you, kid? You sick or something?” he demands, and my mom turns around and gives me a hug.

Okay, it’s far too soon to be hugging my mother after the sex I just had.


I’m still working my way down from bliss, and seeing my parents here is probably the shock back to the real world I needed.

I really need to go wash my hands. I should’ve hit the restroom after what we just did, and as I glance around, I assume that’s where she bounced off to.

“Didn’t know it was my day to keep track of her,” I tell my dad. “And no, I’m fine. It’s just been a night already playing the game.” I give him a tight smile to throw him off the scent of why I’m really out of sorts, and it seems to work.

“I hear you. Never liked these events myself, but you know her.” He jabs a finger toward my mother. “She lives for the damn things, even now.” He rolls his eyes, and she playfully smacks him in the chest.

“Oh Eddie, knock it off. You know you like them too. A nice dinner, a little dancing, and who knows what the night will bring after that.” She holds up her drink and winks.

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