Page 93 of The Reborn

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He kissed my head. “That’s beautiful.”

I also told him how much it hurt to be around my extended family sometimes because of how much I resembled her. “I hate to cause the people I love pain because of something I have no control over.”

“Ah, baby.” He pressed a kiss to my head. “I’m so sorry. Are you sure it hurts them? Maybe it’s more bittersweet. I’m sure they miss her, and maybe they like having you around as a little living reminder of the sweet girl they lost.” He shrugged. “I have no idea, just a thought.”

I rested my chin on his chest to look up at him. “I think you’re right. My uncle has said as much. It’s just the whole thing has been such a sore spot for my entire family for so long. Especially her family. She has a twin, Silas, he took it the hardest. I can’t wrap my mind around losing any of my brothers. But as a mom? No way. I don’t think I could survive losing Elizabeth.”

He rubbed my back, his gaze muted in the dark. It was not lost on me that his family had also lost a daughter, but clearly had not come through it as resilient as mine. As strong as he was, nobody was meant to be an island. As I lay there getting drowsy in his arms, an idea came to me. If I was truly taking the leap and going all in, I guess it was time to go all in.



I woke up to the scent of coffee and the feel of fingertips running down my pecs and abs.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” she said softly just before she kissed my cheek.

I cracked my eyes open to find a smiling Olivia with her hair wrapped in a towel, silky robe back in place, coffee mug in hand. I ran a hand up the back of her thigh. “Mornin’. That for me?” I tipped my head toward the coffee.

She set it on the bedside table, then climbed up to straddle my hips over the sheet. “It is.” She ran a hand over my chest. “You are so yummy. Hottie Pants definitely suits you.”

I barked out a gruff laugh. “Ditto, baby.” I reached for the tie on her robe, but she swatted my hand away.

“Sadly, there’s no time for you to make me scream your name this morning.” She smirked at me. “We have plans.”


“Yes. Now get up and get dressed. We’re going out.”

“Out where?” My brain automatically began ticking through safety precautions if we were going out in public. What would I need to do to prepare? Would I need anything more than my Glock?

She hopped off and patted my belly. “We’re going to a party.”

I sat up and narrowed my eyes at her. “A party? What kind of party?”

“You’re cute when you’re in security mode.” She pulled the towel off her head and headed to the bathroom to start brushing her hair. “Cool your jets, Caveman. We’re going to my parents’ to pick up Elizabeth, then we’re staying for a family thing.” She poked her head out. “No big deal.”

No big deal. I wasn’t so sure about that. She hadn’t mentioned anything about this before today and the sudden party plans were making me suspicious. I picked up my coffee and took a sip as I padded to the bathroom to lean against the doorframe to watch her. Two could play at this game.

“If you’re gonna be with your family, you don’t need me. I’ve already vetted your dad’s security. You can go enjoy your party and I’ll see you when you get home.”

Her movements slowed as she blinked at me. Slowly, she dropped her brush and turned to face me. “No.”


“No, I don’t want to go without you.”

I tilted my head in question. It might be childish or needy, but I wanted her to say it.

She sighed and rolled her lips. “We decided to do this, right? You and me?”

“We did. But only Camden knows why I’m really here, so...”

“Actually, about that... I was going to tell my family the truth today. About Lizzie’s father, about the reason you’re here, you and me. All of it. It’s time.”

I didn’t patronize her and ask her if she was sure or pretend to know what was best for her and her family. Instead, I set down my coffee and cupped both sides of her jaw in my palms as we gazed into each other’s eyes. “Okay.”

She wrapped her hands around mine, holding me in place. “Okay.”

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