Page 85 of The Reborn

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“Because you’re stiff as a board.”

“As long as you don’t tell me you’re still married or have some secret family tucked away somewhere, I think we’re good.”

I blinked, digesting that in light of the emotions that had just rocked me to my core a few minutes ago. Did she really think so little of me, or had she just been hurt that badly before?

She seemed to sense my darkening mood, so she shifted in my arms. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean... that was uncalled for. Old pain dies hard. What is it?”

I could understand that. “Remember when my truck got pelted with manure?”

She frowned, clearly confused why I was bringing that up. “Yeah.”

“That’s not all there was.”

“What do you mean?”

I bit the bullet, holding her close. “There was a note tied to a rock. It was meant for me, but it was clearly from the same person who’s been harassing you.”

“A note?”

I nodded.

“What did it say?”

“That I couldn’t protect you.” I rubbed a reassuring hand up and down her arm. “It was a scare tactic, and an amateur one at that. Obviously, they know I’m here, and it pisses them off that they can’t mess with you anymore so they wanted to do something and that was the best they could come up with.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Honestly? At the time, I didn’t see the need. There were no real clues to follow with nothing on the cameras, and I didn’t want to alarm you when it was only meant to try and intimidate me. Which it did not.”

“You should have told me, Justin. This affects me too, you know.”

She was absolutely right. I knew it then, but I’d ignored my better instincts. But now that I’d had a taste of her? Been inside her body and touched her heart? It was clear as glass I had no business lying to this woman.

“I know. I’m sorry. That’s why I’m telling you now.”

She studied my face for a long moment, indecision skating over her features. “Anything else?”

“What? No.”

“You’re sure?”


She took a breath and settled back into my chest. “Okay.”

I was forgiven? Just like that? She’d been through so much, I knew she could’ve easily gone off the rails and thrown a fit, tossed me out on my ass, and decided never to trust me again. I’d certainly been leery of trust after being burned. But she was giving me grace. She really was the best woman I knew.

After a few moments of silence, she drew back to smile shyly up at me. “Regrets?”

I should have a million, but I couldn’t think of any. Here, now, it felt too right. “Other than not telling you about that note? None.”

Her eyes sparkled with delight at my answer. “Not even how unprofessional it is that we’ve seen each other naked now?”

I slid my hand down to grab a handful of her ass. “Especially not that.”

She giggled, and I have to say, I loved the sound coming from her lips after the heaviness of the last few minutes. “Glad to hear that, Mr. Hottie Pants.”

I took that handful and scooped her up, rolling to pull her on top of me in one swift movement so she was straddling me on my back and looking down on me with a surprised smile. That smile fell as I rocked my now hard cock against her core, making her groan. “Does that make you Miss Hottie Pants?”

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