Page 79 of The Reborn

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“Sure. I think I just had too much to drink.”

“When you get home, drink a big glass of water, some Gatorade if you have it, and take some aspirin. That should help.”

She glanced over. “You speak from experience?”

“I was in the military, remember?” I didn’t bother telling her that I did my fair share of overdrinking once I was out, nursing a broken heart during my divorce.

I got her home and she opened the truck door and hopped out before I could help her, apparently in a hurry to be away from me. I guessed she was creeped out about me following her to that bar after all. Before she could disappear inside the house, I rolled down my window to do some damage control. “Olivia.”

She paused and turned to me, her big eyes glinting in the moonlight. “Yeah?”

“If nobody told you tonight, you look absolutely stunning.”

“Thank you.” Her reply was barely a whisper before she slipped inside.

I waited, watching as lights turned on and she moved behind the blinds. A bit later, the lights turned off. I imagined her showering and washing off all that makeup, getting ready for bed, maybe slipping on one of her old t-shirts and those yoga pants she was so fond of.

I knew I should go, but it was like I was rooted to the spot. I sat there for a full hour before I gave up and killed the engine, wondering what kind of fool I was.

This had become more than a job to me, no matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise. Still, I needed to keep my head in the game. I had to... for her. It would kill me if I slipped up and something catastrophic happened.

Suddenly, I jerked awake at a gentle tapping on my window. “Justin?”

Shit. I must’ve dozed off in her driveway, more tired than I realized. I pinched the sleep from my eyes and glanced at my watch. Two thirteen a.m.

I cracked open my door to find Olivia shivering in a tiny silk robe, her hair mussed. “What are you doing out here?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” she said, her voice still sleepy.

“Go inside,” I demanded, firmly keeping my eyes on her face and not on the nipples I knew were poking through that thin robe. “It’s freezing out here.”

“This is ridiculous.” Her gaze raked over my Henley. “You’ve got to be cold.”

“I’m fine.”

She rolled her eyes, then reached across my body, invading my space with her clean floral scent as she snagged my truck keys from the ignition. “Don’t be stupid. You’re taking this professional thing too far. Come inside where it’s warm.”

She had me there. I was being dumb and freezing my ass off for no good reason. “Fine.”

She spun and raced back up the walkway, rubbing her arms for warmth.

I slammed my truck door and followed, heaving a relieved sigh when I walked inside the warm house.

She handed me my keys, so I hit the remote locks, then set them on the small entry table and locked the front door.

“Hot tea?” she called from the kitchen.

“It’s two something in the morning,” I said, joining her and watching as she set the kettle to boil.

She smiled at me, raising a mug. “Chamomile?”

“Yeah, sure. Thanks.”

She was a smoke show in that dress and heels tonight, but somehow, this version of her undid me even more—no makeup, bare feet, her guard down in her little robe and messy hair, making tea in the middle of the night. She was adorable and sexy as hell. Seeing her like this only reminded me why I’d run for the hills.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked, catching my stare.

I swallowed thickly. “You really don’t want to know.”

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