Page 64 of The Reborn

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Who was I kidding? They did share something special. She was his first love. His ex-wife who had clearly broken his heart in the worst possible way.

I spun away, unable to take another second, only to find the other security guy—Kade—standing there like some kind of silent damn ninja, his dark eyes on mine full of disgustingly obvious pity. God, I was an idiot.



The soft click of a door made me glance up. The hall was empty except for Kade, still standing watch in front of Camden’s hospital door, his hands clasped in front of him, within easy reach of his concealed weapon.


I refocused on Tricia, trying to remember the reason for her call. Oh, right. The “friend” who had stabbed me in the back and taken my wife had cheated again and was leaving her. Something about her gaining weight and giving too much attention to their baby, which was such bullshit if you asked me. Karma really was a bitch, but even I didn’t think Tricia deserved that, and their son definitely didn’t.

“I heard you, Tricia,” I said. “And, again, I’m sorry. I still don’t know what it is you want from me. I’m not your husband anymore.”

“I was just...” Now the tears came, making me cringe. I always hated it when she cried, and she knew it. “I don’t have many friends anymore, and I was hoping...”

From behind the closed door, I could hear Camden’s baby start to cry, reminding me of all she’d ripped from my life. I wasn’t about to let her dangle that in front of me again just because she was in pain. “Sorry. You hoped wrong.”

I boxed up all feelings and ended the call, then turned to checking my messages. I had one from the car alarm installer, confirming for later that afternoon, and one from my detective friend letting me know he had finished up with all of the interviews at the dance studio and had emailed me a file with all the corresponding documents.

I replied with a quick thanks and asked him for his initial gut instincts.

Contreras: Nice women. The brunette is spicy, I liked her. The young one was nervous. Receptionist a bit cranky. They all seem very loyal to Ms. Creed. Nothing jumped out at me as suspect. I’ll let you know if I find anything else.

Me: Thank you.

Contreras: Of course. Tell Camden Creed he owes me Spartans tickets for this one :)

I swallowed back a laugh and tucked away my phone.

As I turned to head back to the room, Kade shifted to face me. “She heard you, man.”

“She... who heard?” I glanced around the empty hallway. “What are you talking about?”

He gave me the same look my division commander gave me the second day of boot camp when I made the mistake of questioning him.

Then it dawned on me. There was only one she worth talking about. My eyes flew to the door, my mind rewinding through the conversation I’d just had and... wait. I schooled my features and folded my arms across my chest. “Okay,” I said slowly. “So what?”

One dark brow winged up. “I’m not fucking blind, Ashford. I can see something’s going on between you two.”


He lifted a hand, silencing my protest. “Save it. We both know this line of work doesn’t keep things black and white. I also don’t care what two consenting adults decide to do, as long as it doesn’t fuck with my business.” His index finger turned my way, drilling home his point. “Are we clear?”


He shook his head. “Are we clear?”

I sighed. “Crystal.”

“Good.” He resumed his businesslike stance. “Now, as I was saying, Romeo, she was just out here and heard all that bullshit with your ex. Didn’t look like she took it too good.” He rolled his thick shoulders as if his holster was getting heavy. “So, you might want to make nice with my best client’s sister.”

Message received. “Understood.”

He nodded and I pushed back into the room. I was content to keep myself invisible in the corner and allow the family their time, suck up the painful longing that was swirling around in my chest and threatening to spill out of my mouth by begging Olivia to leave with me now, hear me out, and... I didn’t know what. Apologize?

That would probably be a good start if the way she wouldn’t look me in the eye was any indication, keeping her gaze and forced smile firmly planted on Vanessa and the baby.

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