Page 57 of The Reborn

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“Yeah. The cleaners are almost done. Security company—”

“Is delayed. I heard.”

He lifted a brow my way as he sat back in his chair. “Hear anything else?”

I served him cake and coffee. “Like what?”

He nodded his thanks and picked up a fork. “Like your car alarm will be done tomorrow morning?”

“Oh. Missed that one.” I sat across from him and scooped up a bite of cake. “So how long is the delay on the alarm system?”

“At least another week. Maybe two.” He was frowning between bites, as if that was painful to him. “It’s a pretty high-end system we’ve ordered, so some of the parts are being shipped from out of the country.”

“Oh. Anything else?”

He swallowed and picked up his coffee. “And my cop friends have started contacting everyone from the studio to arrange their interviews. If they say anything to you, just say it’s routine as far as you know.”

I nodded, the whole idea unsettling. “Right.”

“If they don’t have anything to hide, it’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it.”

“I’m not worried about it. I just don’t like the thought of my friends being treated like suspects.”

“Everyone’s a suspect.” He tilted his head at me. “Don’t you watch any true crime on TV or anything? You always start by looking at those closest to the victim. It makes sense.”

“Okay, Detective.”

He shook his head with a half grin and demolished the rest of his slice of cake in a few bites.

We moved around each other the rest of the evening, both clearly still aware of our chemistry after that kiss but not sure what to do with it. When I told him I was going to head to my room for a shower and bed, he seemed relieved to be rid of me.

After a long, hot shower, I checked my phone and found several texts and missed calls.

First, a group text to the entire family with a photo of the new baby and the chain of congratulatory replies, to which I added my own. I also texted my brother privately, letting him know I’d stop by the hospital tomorrow with snacks but only if they were up for it.

He responded immediately: Yes, please. The food here isn’t great. Vanessa would love something with chocolate.

Me: On it.

Next was a text from Mom to me and Camden: Just wanted to wish all of you good night. Everything’s fine here, as you can see. Love you! Xo

She attached a photo of my father holding Elizabeth on his lap as they shared a bowl of ice cream, both of them glued to the TV, Isla right next to them with a grin on her chocolate-ringed lips.

I was smiling as well as I replied a good night to them and moved to my next message.

Whitney: Why aren’t you answering your phone, woman? You getting laid? Please tell me you’re getting laid! That guy is so fucking hot!

Whitney: Seriously tho... call me back. Some cop called and wants to ask me some questions. WTF?

Whitney: Officer Contreras

Whitney: He sounded hot in his message. LOL!

Whitney: CALL ME (when you have your clothes on!)

I was shaking my head when I saw the three missed calls from Whitney while I’d been eating dinner with Justin, then in the shower. I also missed one call from Deanna and one from Sofia, probably for the same reason, though they didn’t hound me with a dozen messages about getting laid or the possibility of Officer Contreras being hot.

I called Deanna first and gave her the brief explanation Justin had recommended. “I don’t know much. I think it’s just routine because of the break-in at the studio,” I said.

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