Page 55 of The Reborn

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I needed this.

I needed her.


Her hands moved restlessly at my back, yanking at the edge of my shirt. Her nails clawed hard enough to leave marks on my flanks. Those hot lips were at my throat, where she licked and sucked like a madwoman.

We were going to be naked, and I was going to be buried balls deep in her in the next five minutes, and it was clear she was going to let me.

Where was my sanity?

“Please,” she murmured again, this time as she reached for the button of my jeans.

I sucked in a breath and drew my lips from hers as her plea pulled me off the ledge. I was there to do a job and Camden Creed would fire my ass in a second if he found out about this.

Heavy, lust-filled eyes met mine as I drew back slowly and withdrew my hands from under her shirt. Eventually some of the fog cleared from her face, and embarrassment took its place. “Oh God,” she groaned. “Did I just force myself on you?”

Wait. What? “Do I look like someone you can force yourself on?” I frowned when she didn’t answer. Hard. “Fuck, no! That is the last thing happening here. If anything, I’m the one out of line.”

“You? Why? Because you work for my brother?”


“Is it against the rules or something?”

“No, not exactly. But it’s unprofessional and it could cloud my judgment. Either way, bad idea.”

Her eyes traveled down my chest to where we were still inches apart because I couldn’t bring myself to step away. “Well, I’m sorry...” Her hand landed on my sternum as that honeyed gaze landed back on mine. “But this bad idea really likes kissing you.”

Lord have mercy. Kill me now.



Then . . .

It had been a little more than a week since my revelation to Christoph and his crazy, yet romantic, proposal. In that time, life had gone on somewhat normally. Well, other than him springing the most gorgeous engagement ring on me—a two carat ruby, encircled by little twinkling diamonds, on a delicate gold band—the next day. Though it was weird because he treated it a bit like a business transaction, handing me the box as I sat across from him at a café, like he wanted a crowd so I wouldn’t make a scene. I blew that idea off as silly when I tried it on and beamed up at him.

“It’s beautiful, Christoph!”

“Yes.” He nodded absentmindedly as he stirred his coffee, making me frown.

I didn’t obsess about it, though, because I understood that this situation was a lot for anyone, me included. Our entire lives were about to change, and he probably just needed time to digest the news. I certainly did.

I wore the gorgeous ring for the rest of our breakfast, though I knew I wouldn’t be able to wear it in public for a while. He remained quiet while I sipped herbal tea and nibbled on a light pastry. Our summer intensive was pushing through its most brutal and exhausting final days, which was torture for my pregnant body, and did I mention the morning sickness?

By the end of our meal, the tension was so thick, you would’ve needed a jackhammer to make a dent in it. Maybe proposing had him more anxious than I knew? Still, I would’ve killed for even an ounce of the affection I was used to from him. Anything to calm my frayed nerves.

He walked me outside and I moved in to kiss him goodbye. “See you later.”

He turned so my lips grazed his cheek. “Goodbye, Olivia. See you soon.”

Then he was gone, leaving me feeling hollowed out.

As soon as he disappeared from sight, I rushed to the side of the building and threw up my food.

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