Page 48 of The Reborn

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“Of course...” I waited while she breathed through another contraction. “Yes, of course,” I said again. “Go!”

She smiled her thanks, then leaned into Camden as they headed toward the door.

“I love you both!” I called as they made their way to his SUV. “Have a beautiful baby!”



A million emotions bombarded my head and my heart as I watched the scene before me, but I choked them back, denying them the chance to surface.

Have a beautiful baby . . .

Such simple words, and such a simple look of joy on Olivia’s face as she waved to her brother and sister-in-law, and yet nothing felt simple to me in that moment as my past collided painfully with my present.

I spun away and made my way to the small room I’d been sleeping in and added Camden’s creepy fan mail to my growing folder of information, along with the police report Kade had managed to finagle from the Huntsville PD after the break-in at Olivia’s dance studio.

Not surprisingly, they didn’t find much, not that I’d held out hope for a forensics windfall. Ultimately, my best clues were in the details of the crime itself, which, just like the note, were sharply pointed toward Olivia in a very personal way. But why? Was it sexually motivated? Calling someone a whore certainly didn’t rule that out. A business rival, jealous of her success? Breaking into her popular dance studio and defacing the photos of her in the Houston Ballet could point that way. And that didn’t take into account her ties to a famous footballer. But why take it all to such great lengths? Why include threats to her daughter?

I was trained to spot the danger, to see the details, no matter how small. And a few things just weren’t adding up. There only being three keys in existence to Colomba for one. And while I wasn’t about to rule out any of Camden’s stalkers, especially when they said things like, Why can’t you see she must be stopped? Her and all she loves, I was, however, more inclined to think the ‘all she loves’ was about Vanessa’s immediate family, not his. Still, I’d look into it, looney tunes or not.

I sat and pulled out my laptop, determined to start investigating the company that held the lease for the dance studio as well as the property itself. Maybe there was separate management that Olivia wasn’t considering. Hell, I’d dig into the housekeeping staff if I had to...

A while later, there was a soft knock at my door. “Justin?”

I glanced up to find Olivia in the doorway with a sleepy Elizabeth in her arms. “Yeah?”

“Everything okay? You’ve been quiet since we left the café.”

“Fine. Just working.”

Elizabeth’s little legs began swinging and she offered me a shy smile. “Man Jusin,” she said in her singsong voice, her hazel eyes smiling at me.

“Yes, Juice Monster?”

She giggled like a madwoman. “You funny.”

“I’m funny?” I let my eyes go wide, unable to help myself. Where the little one was concerned, I was toast. “No, you’re funny.”

Her giggles turned to belly laughs and Olivia’s amber eyes were soft as they met mine. In that moment, she looked as relaxed and happy as I’d ever seen her. The sight was breathtaking, and like rocky ice seeing the sun for the first time, something that had been frozen solid deep in my chest began to melt. I had to glance away when the feeling became uncomfortable.

She cleared her throat. “Well, Camden texted me. They’re getting checked in at the hospital and everything’s good. He’ll let me know when the baby’s here.”

I nodded. “That’s good.”

“My parents are almost here...” Her demeanor shifted and I sensed a bit of nerves. “I told them a friend left their truck here, just to avoid the questions.”

“Good idea.”

“Also, they asked if they could take Lizzie too. Spend some time with both girls. Make it a sleepover thing with the grandparents.” Her eyes met mine as if she was waiting for my reaction. “I told them yes.”

Then it sank in.

We’d be alone.

“Right,” I said, keeping my face impassive. “Okay.”

“They have security, too,” she hurried to add. “Plus, my dad is a veteran and well-armed. They’ll be safe.”

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