Page 46 of The Reborn

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He picked up his mug and sipped before answering. “That was at lunchtime. I didn’t say I don’t like breakfast food.”

I could feel Camden’s confused stare, but I ignored him. “Just not at breakfast time?”


Camden cleared his throat. “As riveting as this discourse on Justin’s eating habits is, guys, we have other things to discuss.”

I sighed and cupped my hands around my own coffee cup as if seeking strength from its heat. “Yes, I know, and regardless of what Justin told you, Whitney would never betray me like that. There has to be some other explanation. Did he tell you I don’t remember—?”

“Whitney?” my brother said, confusion clear in his voice. “Back up... what?” His blue eyes flitted back and forth between us before landing on Justin. “You think her best friend has something to do with all this?”

“I don’t think anything yet, but I have to keep all options open until I rule them out.”

Camden frowned and looked back at me. “But why Whitney?”

Something in me was bolstered that he clearly thought her innocent too. “She’s the only other one besides the leasing company that has a key to the studio,” I explained. “And since it doesn’t look like anyone broke in, I either left it unlocked when I left, or...”

Understanding dawned on his face. “They had a key.”

I nodded. “But I told Justin, I don’t remember locking up. I mean, I think I did, but I don’t specifically remember, so I’m not sure.” I picked up my coffee for a sip but set it back down. “I hate this.”

“I know, sis.” Cam’s big hand cupped over my forearm. “But I have faith Justin will figure it out and take care of it, then this whole nightmare will be over.”

“Yeah,” I said, wanting to believe him, but struggling. Without wanting to, I turned to Justin, hoping for—I don’t know—reassurance. Which was stupid. It wasn’t his job to reassure me. It was his job to protect me from whoever was doing these terrible things, then he’d be gone.

“Speaking of that,” Justin said to Camden. “You told me on the phone you had something for me to look at?”

Camden’s entire demeanor changed. His expression became sober and pinched. Angry even. “Yes.” His spine was steel straight and his jaw tight as he drew an envelope from the inner pocket of his jacket and slid it across the table to Justin. “I would normally ignore this kind of thing, but under the circumstances...”

Justin picked up the envelope and slid out the paper inside. As he scanned the document, his face gave nothing away. A couple of minutes later, he looked up at my brother. “I see why you brought this to my attention.”

“Do you think it could be anything?”

“Not sure, but I’ll definitely look into it. Are there more?”

My brother looked chagrined. “I get lots of fan mail. I don’t usually read it. That’s handled by my publicist and that team. It seems there has been an influx of some of the more bizarre ones since I married Vanessa, but nothing like this. They brought this one to me because of its... graphic nature.” He ran a hand over his head. “I can have them see if she’s written me others before this one.”

“That would be helpful,” Justin said. “Thanks.”

Graphic nature? My stomach clenched into a tight fist. “Can I?” I held out my hand to read the letter.

Justin glanced at my brother before handing over the offending document.

You had your chance. You lost it.

Only a fool loses a precious angel like me to the ashes of time when he blindly chooses a demon WHORE like her.

Can’t you see, my love?

She has seduced you with her siren’s song. She is nothing more than a JEZEBEL, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, sent by the dark one to fool you.

Why can’t you see the truth, my heart?

Why can’t you see she must be stopped? Her and all she loves—Slaughtered like the DEVIL that she is, disemboweled and laid out for the world to behold what happens when you are a slave to its wicked and sensuous ways.

Come to me, my love.

I will show you the light. I will show you the love.

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