Page 37 of The Reborn

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Those intense eyes of his slid over my face, taking me in for a moment. “You might not like having me here, and I don’t blame you for that, but I think we both know the threat in that note was very real.”

My heart kicked against my ribs in acknowledgment even as I wanted to deny the truth of his words. I didn’t want it to be true, but I could feel it in my bones, and I was scared out of my mind. “Maybe...” I glanced away, composing myself so he wouldn’t see my unease.

“There’s no maybe about it.”

My gaze snapped back to his at his low but firm words. His icy eyes were sparking a dark, determined fire of their own.

I took a breath and turned to sit. “I need to get going,” I said, hoping my voice didn’t give away my sudden nerves.

His expression softened just a touch and he took a step back. “Of course. I’ll see you later, but you call me if you need me.”

He closed my door before I could. I did not meet his gaze, but I could feel his on me as I backed out of the driveway, then took off down the street.

On a big breath, I did manage a last glance in the rearview mirror, and sure enough, there he was, standing with his bulky arms folded across his chest, staring after us from the driveway.

At the stop sign at the end of the road, my cell pinged with a text. Nobody was around, so I grabbed it and glanced at the screen.

Justin: Nothing about your safety is overkill. Remember that.



It ended up taking me all day to finish everything on Olivia’s house, but thoughts of that fucking note and her apparent disregard for her own safety pushed me to move. Even if she didn’t take it seriously, I sure as hell did. By the time the sun was setting, I had cameras up throughout the major security points inside and outside the home, motion sensor floodlights mounted in the front and back yards, all of her bushes trimmed so nobody could hide in them, prominent signs posted for a security system and to beware of the nonexistent dog, and steel doors with double bolt locks installed to replace the flimsy pieces of shit she had before.

I was showered and on the couch with a cold drink, admiring my handiwork, when I spotted her headlights through the front window.

I rose and opened the door to greet her, more thankful than I cared to admit that she had a big bag of food from a local fried chicken joint in her hand, instantly knowing she’d gotten us all dinner.

“Hey,” I said, trying for welcoming, knowing she’d left feeling uneasy.

“Hey.” Her eyes slid over the unfamiliar door and buzzed bushes as she made her way behind a toddling Elizabeth. “You’ve been busy, I see.”

“I have.” I opened the door all the way to let them both in. “I’ll show you everything after you eat.”

Little arms wrapped around my legs. “Man, Jusin!”

I peeked down into Elizabeth’s shining hazel eyes as she grinned up at me with all of her sweet, exuberant innocence. “Did you hear something?” I asked Olivia. “I thought I heard something.”

She smiled at me and shrugged as Elizabeth began to giggle uncontrollably, her tiny fingers digging into my jeans as she tried to get my attention.

“Huh,” I said. “Weird.” I tried to take a step and pretended to be stuck. “What the..?” I looked down. “What is this?” Elizabeth’s giggles became full-on squeals when I reached down and picked her up, holding her at arm’s length. “A juice monster?” I glanced over at Olivia. “Have you ever seen such a scary juice monster?”

Olivia was laughing now at my playfulness. “Nope. Sure haven’t.”

I turned and let Olivia pass with the food, still laughing, while I followed with Elizabeth. I put her down to close and lock the door, but she never moved far from my side, which stirred up all kinds of crazy feelings in me. I wasn’t one to give in to silly antics or sentimentality. Ever. I had no idea what had come over me.

In the kitchen, Olivia faced me as she pulled out the boxes of food, drinks, and some paper plates, a sweet smile still on her face. “You hungry?”

And that’s when it hit me. That was what had come over me. Her. This place. The overwhelming normalcy.

Something about the two of them had awoken the dormant dream I thought was long dead and buried. The dream that I’d naïvely wished for myself once upon a time but had been torched and bled dry as the most painful lesson of my life.

Yeah, well, lesson learned.

I slapped my poker face back on and swallowed down a giant breath of suck-it-the-fuck-up. “Starved.” I offered a tight, fake smile. “Thanks for dinner.”

She waved me off. “It’s nothing. Help yourself.”

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