Page 24 of The Reborn

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I frowned. “C-section?”

“She didn’t ever talk to you about that? Isla was born by C-section so she and the doctor decided it would be safest to have another one this time.”

“She didn’t, but as long as everyone’s healthy, that’s what matters.”

“Exactly.” Camden turned back to Justin. “So... what’s the plan for my sister?”

Justin kept his gaze locked on me a beat longer before sliding his eyes toward my brother, allowing me to breathe. “I’ve been thinking about that since I got your file. Honestly, I thought I had a solid plan all laid out...”

Camden leaned in. “But?”

“Then you showed me that note.”

I felt my brother stiffen up. “What about it? Do you know something about it that we don’t?”

“I wish I did.” His words and their unspoken meaning hit me hard. I was withholding information from him, and we both knew it.

“Then what changed?” my brother pushed.

“The threat level.” He let that settle for a long moment as I swallowed against my suddenly dry throat. “All of the things you described to me today sound like escalations in behavior of someone who is either trying to scare you or hurt you. But that note? That’s a direct threat against you and your daughter, and I am not the kind of man who’s willing to tolerate that. Women and children will not be violated like that on my watch.”

“Mine either. That’s why you’re here.” My brother reached over for my hand. “So, what do you propose?”

I knew what was coming after he’d asked me about my guest room. Still, somehow, I found myself a little bit shocked to hear the words coming from his mouth.

“I move in here with the ladies temporarily to keep an eye on things and make sure there is proper security set up in all vital areas, then—”

“Vital areas?” I asked, cutting him off. “What does that mean?” Suddenly, all I could picture was him in my most personal spaces, and it was making my head spin.

He didn’t even blink. “Every inch of this house for starters. Your vehicle. Your studio.”

“There’s already a security system at the studio.”

He lifted a brow. “We’ll see.”

I lifted a brow right back. “And I’m just supposed to say what? I’m shacking up with some strange guy I just met? Can you imagine what the folks in this town will say?”

“She’s right, Justin,” Camden said. “This is a small tight-knit community and everyone knows the Creed family. Nobody would believe my sister would just move a man in here with her daughter, especially one they’d never seen before.”

Justin’s gaze slid my way. “You went to college at TCU, right?”

But he already knew the answer. “Yes. But what does that have to do with anything?”

“We’ll tell folks I’m an old friend from college. I’m down on my luck and you’re helping me out with a place to stay for a little while until I sort things out, and to earn my keep, I’m helping you out with some things.”


“Yes. Like home repairs and installing your new security systems.”

Camden nodded approvingly. “It could work.”

I huffed out an unconvinced breath, sure those closest to me would see right through that bullshit. “I don’t think people will believe that.”

“Like who?” Camden asked.

“Like Whitney, for starters. She knows everything about my life, and she knows there’s no...” I waved a hand in his direction. “Guy friend.” Though his masculine energy incorporated so much more than that. “Same for our entire family.”

Justin shrugged that off. “You can tell the truth to those who are on a need-to-know basis, but I’d keep it to bare minimum, and only those who you absolutely trust. Other than that, for the safety of you and your daughter, I think this is the best plan.”

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