Page 12 of The Reborn

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I sipped and studied how it sat, seeming almost smaller and lower to the ground in the fog—

I squinted as a flash of white on the windshield caught my attention. Something suddenly felt off and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up as my heart began to thud against my ribs. I peeked over at Sofia, who was still out like a light on the sofa, so I padded quietly toward the front door, not sure what I was hoping to do or find.

I moved to the front table, the coffee I’d drunk suddenly sour on my tongue. I set my mug down next to my purse, my hands trembling as I unlocked the door, its metallic click loud in my ears.

Had I locked the car last night? Had I...?

I slowly slid open the front door to peer outside. The morning air was still. Not even the birds were chirping. No cars were driving by. It was eerily silent.

I took a step onto the front porch and shut the door behind me, wondering if I was totally overreacting.

I sucked in a deep breath, tucked my robe tighter around my chest, and took a tentative step toward my car, ignoring every instinct in my body that told me to wait and call for someone to come over.


I was a grown woman who could check things out for herself.

Another step. Another.

I was within five feet of my car now, the fog encasing me like a cloak as my eyes searched out the flash of white.

There it was. A piece of paper tucked under the drivers’ side windshield wiper. Definitely hadn’t been there last night.

“Jesus.” The whisper came from my lips at the same time my gaze fell to my tires. Flat. All of them. That explained why my car looked like it was sitting oddly low in the fog. It was resting on four slashed tires.

Adrenaline spiked through my system, and I whipped my head around, searching for someone—anyone. Who the hell would’ve done this? Were they still there? Were they hiding, watching for my reaction? Waiting to do more?

I spun back to my car and snatched the note from my windshield, pure fear and unadulterated anger equally fueling me in that moment.

You can’t hide from me.




Bile rose in my throat, and I stumbled backward, nearly falling onto my ass on the concrete with the note crumpled in my fist.

A thousand fears roared to the surface of my mind. Every single thing I’d feared most since the moment I’d left Italy was now staring me in the face, brutal teeth bared, and I couldn’t form a coherent thought.

“No...” I scarcely recognized the agonized groan that fell from my mouth as I turned and sprinted back to the house, feeling the heat of hidden eyes searing my back.

I yanked open the front door and slammed it closed, threw the bolt lock, and leaned against it as I fought to breathe.

When I opened my eyes, the house was still quiet, so I bolted for Elizabeth’s room and fell to my knees next to her little bed, letting the tears come.

What was I going to do? I’d kept my secret and protected her for so long, but now my past was catching up with me. But why now? None of this made any sense.

I let the note fall to the ground in a rumpled ball as I reached for the phone in my pocket with shaky hands. But who should I call?

The police, my mind screamed. I uncoiled to move to my bedroom, remembering the card the officer had left with me the night before.

Just as I flipped on my bedroom light, my phone buzzed with a text, making me jump.

I glanced down, the name on the screen bringing automatic tears of relief to my eyes.

Camden: Vanessa said to give you some space after last night, but big brother is done with that shit, so I’m checking in. Call me when you get this. Love you.

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