Page 103 of The Reborn

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“We cook, Mommy!” Elizabeth exclaimed from my arms.

Olivia arched a brow, biting her lip against a smile. “Really?”

I nodded. “Spaghetti and fruit snacks. Chef’s choice.”

“Sounds delicious.”

“Oh, it will be,” I said with as much inuendo as I could sneak in. “Have a seat. It’ll be done in a few minutes.”

She took us in for a moment, then moved to sit.

I let Elizabeth “help” me finish the sauce, then I put her in her seat and drained the noodles and served the ladies. I had no idea what had come over me, I wasn’t usually this domesticated, and I had emails regarding my background checks into her ex burning a hole in my inbox, but it seemed like the thing to do. Plus, we had to eat, right?

“Thank you.” She looked up at me, locking on to me with a look that spoke volumes. There were feelings there she couldn’t express either, and somehow, that made me feel relieved.

“You’re welcome.”

We ate and I cleaned up the kitchen while she bathed Elizabeth. I had a few minutes while she was putting her to bed to fire up my laptop and check my emails. I had a few actually.

I deleted one from Tricia and ignored one from my father, scrolling to get to the one from the company I used for running intel. They were high level, as close as you could get to top secret stuff, short of having military clearance. It came with a price tag, but in most cases I had clients willing to pay, and that included this time.

Subject: Christoph Donato

I scanned the email, desperate to know his whereabouts and if he was in the United States. If he was the one tormenting Olivia. I silently prayed he was so I could find him and make him pay for every sin he’d committed against her.

But no.

Not only did I now have access to much of his background, but I had his most current whereabouts, which was still in Italy, including a grouping of very good surveillance photos of him on the streets, moving in and out of a dance studio, and arm and arm with a leggy blonde.

“Fucker,” I spat, eyeballing the asshole.

Something about him struck me as oddly familiar, even though I’d never met the man. I looked closer, realizing it was probably because Elizabeth had the same hazel eyes and the same shape of his nose. I wondered if Olivia realized that, and how she felt looking at his features in her beautiful daughter every day.

But, putting that aside, disappointment was bitter as I realized my best lead in this case had just been obliterated.

Next email . . .

Subject: Sofia Ricci Ex-boyfriend

Unable to locate. Please verify identifying information.

I stared at those few words on the screen, confused as hell. I’d never had my sources come up with nothing in a search before. A little short if the person didn’t have much of a history to speak of, but never... nothing.

Now my sixth sense tingled, and all kinds of alarm bells started ringing, even though nothing about that made sense. But you could bet your ass I’d figure it out.

“Everything okay?”

I glanced up and slammed my laptop closed at Olivia’s voice. “Yup.” No need to tell her about the report right now. Not until I knew more. It was clear she was loyal to a fault where her employees and friends were concerned, and I didn’t want her saying anything she shouldn’t to them until I knew more. If there really was a boyfriend, I couldn’t risk her saying something she shouldn’t to Sofia, and she, in turn, alerting him. He might be a ghost right now, but I’d find him. I always did.

She leaned against my doorway, her expression serious. “So . . . about what Genevieve said earlier . . .”

I blinked at her before my mind circled off the emails and back to earlier.

A man will do anything for the woman he loves...

“I don’t want you to feel... I’d never pressure you to—”

“Olivia. Stop.” I set my computer aside and stood, pulling her into my arms. “I am not the kind of guy to be pressured into anything, so do not worry about it, okay? Your family is just observant. It’s fine.”

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