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Forrest looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"We met by the drinks. She advised me not to drink the green cordials."

Forrest’s brow furrowed. "What’s wrong with them?"

The girl laughed and nudged me. "Let’s just say it’s a secret between us mortals."

Forrest laughed in return. "Very well. Keep your secrets." He turned his attention to the man. "Ivan! It’s good of you to come. I know you have… other concerns at present. How are things?"

Ivan nodded solemnly. "The nightmares are spreading, and the barrier is weakening. We don’t have long now. I know this is your celebration, but I have a favor to ask of you."

What was all this about nightmares and barriers? It sounded ghastly and frightening, and I found myself hoping this white-haired fae was from a very distant realm.

The girl turned to me. "Would you like to take a turn about the yard? I haven’t seen another human in months."

Forrest nodded in relief, and I left with the copper-haired girl.

"I’m Georgia," I offered.

"Clara," she said.

I smiled at her. "It’s good to meet you. I haven’t seen another human since I got here. Only a few with a human parent or grandparent."

She gave a sad smile. "We don’t see many of those in the frosted forests. The nightmares are too close now. Anyone with sense has fled."

"Nightmares?" I asked, puzzled.

She waved away my concern. "Don’t worry about it. They’re far away from your realm, and this is a party! Your party. We should try to have a good time."

I was still curious, but I didn’t pry. After all, we had only just met.

"Then tell me about all the drinks. Which ones are good? And what does the green one actually do?"

She laughed and whispered something in my ear.

"No way!" I cried.

"Seriously," she said.

"Thank goodness you stopped me."


I glanced back at the men, talking seriously with furrowed brows and low voices.

"This is probably rude of me to ask, but are you two together?"

A sliver of a smile brightened her lips. "It’s still new."

"And you?" she asked.

"It’s… complicated," I answered after a long pause. "I came as a stolen bride, a princess from another kingdom."

She lowered her voice, "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "I am. This is where I need to be right now."

The girl nodded. "I know how that feels. Sometimes you have to be somewhere even when it’s not easy."

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