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Adorable. Like an angry kitten.

I wanted to stay and argue with her. I needed to stay and woo her, but my glamours had taken their toll. My body was too exhausted to hold this form any longer. My limbs were beginning to shake, and I would be a frog at any moment.

It seemed my body still needed rest.

So, I stood and bowed. "Little sparrow, I would gladly sit and fight with you for many hours, if my time permitted, but I have matters I must attend to. Please enjoy your dinner."

As I made a hasty exit, I heard her mutter, "You have to be kidding."

So much for making her love me. This was not going well.

I lay flat on my bed, trembling and hoping to put off the change by resting. The silk sheets just didn’t feel the same when I was in my frog form. But what did?

Not an hour later, there was a knock at my chamber door. "Come in," I called.

The door swung open, revealing Harry.

I turned my head to look at him but didn’t bother to sit up. "I know what you want."

"Then get moving," he urged.

"Not tonight, Harry. Please."

"The council will be expecting you."

"I’d rather just lie here. I’m too tired to get up. I just, I just can’t. Make excuses."

"Is that an order from my king or a request from my friend?" he asked.

I rolled over and reached for a goblet of faerie wine. I brought it messily to my lips, dripping some of its contents onto my black silk sheets. "Whichever will make you leave me alone."

He frowned. "I’ll make your excuses, Forrest, but I’m worried about you and those marks around your heart. Are they darkening?"

I gave him a hollow grin. "My dear Harry, worrying without a solution is like drinking without a stomach. Pointless."

"We drink to taste, to feel, to experience. Not unlike why we live our lives, wouldn’t you say?"

"Mine has been tasteless for a long time."

"Perhaps, you will find something to tempt your palette yet, my friend. At least, I very much hope so," he said softly.

I downed the rest of my goblet’s contents, dropped it lazily onto the floor, and closed my eyes. I didn’t open them again until I heard the soft click of the door and knew Harry was gone. Gone to make my excuses. Gone to fulfill my tasks.

He was a good friend, better than I deserved.

Soon, the will-o'-the-wisps floated in the window and danced above my head, just like they did every evening. "Ah," I cracked a slight smile. "Good evening, my little friends."

"Good king," they chorused.

"What tales do you have for me? What juicy gossip? Political machinations or debauchery? Any with both?"

The female landed on my shoulder and nuzzled me affectionately. "Why, we will tell you whatever you desire. Tales of courts near and far."

And so they did.

I lost track of time, and the first light of the sun streamed through my window. Instantly and with no warning, I turned into a large bullfrog.

I hadn’t intended for anyone to see this sudden display, not now or ever. I had imbibed too much wine. I had been careless.

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