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As the new day advanced so did her sense of confidence—of fun. She took the time to tease him—to ride astride him as she’d done that wild day on the beach. Mesmerised, she made his muscles bunch and ripple and shake in a way that was so far beyond his control. She glowed as she felt the power and pleasure of being attractive.

Together they lost time in the exploration of each other. It was magic—beyond thought, word or touch. Simply sensation.

‘Are you okay? You’re sure you’re okay?’ He asked after he’d done a kitchen raid for both salty and sweet supplies in the early afternoon. ‘Not too tired?’

She shook her head. ‘Just don’t ask me to get out of bed today. Other than for a shower.’

‘A shower and then straight back to bed,’ he said firmly. ‘Bed all day tomorrow, too.’

She giggled, more inclined to move on him than to argue at that moment.

The sun shone in through her window, sending a sheet of warm, bright light diagonally across the bed. She stretched out in the middle of it, for once letting the warm rays soothe her sensitive skin.

He lay on his back, his hand resting low on his abs as his chest rose and fell fast as he caught his breath. But his gaze didn’t leave hers. She knew—because hers didn’t leave his.

‘Why do you hide your eyes? They’re the most amazing colour.’

She sighed and then rolled, reaching for her phone on the bedside table. She scrolled through a few pictures and then showed him one. ‘This is my mum.’

He studied it. ‘Wow, wouldn’t have guessed.’

No, her mother had light-brown hair and blue eyes. ‘So who do you think I look like then?’ she asked.

‘Oh.’ He looked awkward. ‘Your dad. And he’s...?’

‘A jerk,’ Kelsi said. ‘Yeah.’

He reached out and touched her shoulder. ‘How so?’

‘He just... He cheated on Mum and she took him back and he just let her down again. It went on and on until he finally left us for good. I hate looking in the mirror and seeing him look back at me. He brought nothing but disappointment.’

‘Are you in touch with him now?’

She flicked through a couple more pics on her phone. ‘This is him here.’

She waited while Jack looked at that one.

‘Who’s he with?’

‘His stepdaughter. She’s the same age as me.’ And pretty in the world’s most conventional way. She’d gone on to study law and commerce at university—he was so proud of her.

‘Really?’ Jack handed the phone back.

‘He went to her graduation. He bought her her first car. He gave a speech at her twenty-first...’ Kelsi pulled the sheet up to cover herself.

‘And he did none of those things for you.’

He’d said he would. But had he? ‘No.’

He hadn’t shown up to either the twenty-first or the graduation. He’d let her down so many times before that, she shouldn’t have been disappointed. But she had been. Always she’d wanted to believe he’d be there for something that really mattered. And he never had.

‘He’s hurt you a lot, huh?’ Jack said softly.

She shrugged to minimise it. ‘Parents are supposed to stuff us up, right?’

‘Parents are supposed to support their kids. Not be selfish.’

She looked at him—saw him freeze as they both suddenly thought of their own child, slowly growing inside her. They had a huge job ahead of them—and they had conflicting wants for the future. Now they’d complicated it all the more by bringing their lust into the equation.

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