Page 98 of Think Twice

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Win nodded. “Makes sense.”

They continued down 51st Street.

“There are too many hidden interests at play here,” Myron said.


“Like, if the FBI believes a serial killer is out there, why are they keeping it a secret?”

“To avoid panic.”

“The public should know,” Myron said. “Sadie Fisher, as Greg’s attorney, should know.”

“We both know why,” Win said. “We discussed this before—with Joey the Toe’s conviction.”

“Exactly,” Myron said. “That’s what I mean about hidden interests. The FBI is afraid that if this gets out, then all those convictions—especially Joey the Toe’s—would get overturned.”

“So,” Win said, “it is prudent for them to wait.”

“But is it? Why? So they don’t embarrass some overzealous DAs? There may be innocent people serving hard time in prisons for crimes—murders no less—that they didn’t commit. Can you imagine a greater nightmare for them?”

“If the FBI reveals it now, they create a big issue. If they keep it to themselves, well, the same.” Win thought about it. “Neither option is desirable when you think about it.”

“So side with being open.”

“And create panic by telling people there’s a chance a serial killer is on the loose?”

“You underestimate the common man.”

“You overestimate him,” Win said.

“Ben Franklin said that it’s better that a hundred guilty men go free than one innocent man suffers in prison.”

Win nodded. “Blackstone’s ratio.”


“And you agree with that?”

“Blackstone actually said ten guilty men, not a hundred,” Myron said. “But yeah, if the feds harbor the slightest doubt about these people’s guilt, they should speak up now.”

When they reached St. Patrick’s Cathedral at Fifth Avenue, the foot traffic picked up and conversations in myriad languages wafted in the air.

“I trust PT,” Win said.

“So do I.”

“So for now, we honor that. We can’t say anything.”

“Why do you think he told us?” Myron asked.

“You know why.”

“He’s already thought of all the things we are saying now,” Myron asserted. “About revealing the truth to the public.”


“And the only way out of this dilemma for him is to solve this fast.”

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