Page 91 of Think Twice

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“Then knock it off. It’s distracting.”

“Sorry. Old habit. I assume you talked to your client.”



“And—shock of shocks—Greg says he didn’t do it.”

“Do you believe him?”

“Is this the part where I say it doesn’t matter or I don’t care or whatever? I’m not getting into that right now, okay?” Sadie checked her watch. “I’m taking too long to spit this out, so let me just get to it. There’s something weird about this case. Right now, the FBI is keeping it very hush-hush but there’s a bizarre rumor going around.”

“The rumor being?”

“They think this isn’t the first time Greg murdered someone.”

Myron almost turned to look at Esperanza, but then, remembering Sadie’s reaction, he thought better of it. “Who else do they think he murdered?”

“Don’t know.”

“Do you know about the murder of Jordan Kravat in Vegas?”

Sadie nodded. “Esperanza filled me in.”

“That’s probably the murder the rumors are about, no?”

“I think,” Sadie said slowly, chewing on the earpiece of her glasses, “it may be more than that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Those FBI agents came to your office.”


“So the FBI doesn’t usually handle murders.”

“That’s a little bit of a TV cliché,” Myron said, “that whole ‘crossing state lines’ thing. They help out a lot. Also, Greg was high-profile and supposedly dead. I figured that put it in their jurisdiction.”

“Did you look up Special Agent Monica Hawes?”


“Her area of expertise is profiling,” Sadie said. “As in serial killer profiling.”

Myron blinked. “They think Greg is a serial killer?”

“Don’t know. But I’m getting a vibe. Not a good one either.” Sadie put her hands on the table and leaned forward. “That’s why you’re here. I’m hoping you could help us.”


“I know you and Win have a past with the FBI, and yes, I know that from Esperanza so you can now turn your head and look at her for confirmation. You have a contact in the FBI. An upper-echelon one, right?”

Myron immediately thought about his old boss PT. “I may.”

“You’re cute when you’re coy. Actually, you’re not. Anyway, please give your contact a call. We need to know what we’re up against. Then please report back to us what he tells you.”

Myron filled Win in on his conversation with Sadie and Esperanza. He understood why Sadie had to be careful about attorney-client privilege, but in the end, there was nothing said in that room that needed to be kept quiet anyway. Not that Win would talk. Not that they could ever get a guy with his resources on the stand. But even if they did, at the end of the day all Sadie wanted to know was what the FBI had on her client. There was nothing incriminating about that.

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