Page 85 of Think Twice

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“Oh,” Myron said. Not a surprise. He had seen something about it on the news this morning. Real estate mogul Ronald Prine had been gunned down in Philadelphia. They lay there for a few more minutes, both on their backs, their breathing starting to sync up. Then Myron said, “I have something to tell you.”

Terese didn’t move.

“Before I say anything, nothing happened.”



“That’s not the reassuring opening you think it is.”

“I was at Emily’s last night,” he said.

“Her place on the Upper East Side?”

“No, her house in the Hamptons.”


“She slept in the same bed as me for a few hours. Nothing happened. Jeremy flew in so I went out to see him and then we were going to see Greg together in the morning so I ended up staying overnight in the guest room. Emily came in when I was in bed. We talked. She sort of laid down next to me and asked if she could just stay.”

“You said yes.”

“It was just… the emotions of the day, all the upheaval. I think she was just lonely.”

Terese kept her eyes on the ceiling. “You two have a bond.”

“Yes. But not that kind.”

“You share a son.”


“And a past. You proposed to her.”

“I was twenty-two.”

“So you didn’t mean it?”

“It would have been the greatest mistake of my life. I don’t have feelings for her.”

“It’s funny,” Terese said. “Do you know what I was thinking before you said that?”

“Tell me.”

“How great we are together.”

“We are.”

“Two damaged souls who heal each other when they connect.” She sat up. “You and Emily are the opposite: Two damaged souls who destroy each other when they connect.”

“A long time ago, Terese.”

“The wounds are all healed then? No lasting scars?”

“She doesn’t mean anything to me.”

“Still, you wanted to comfort her. When she was there. In that bedroom.”

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