Page 64 of Think Twice

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“They think, what, Greg killed them both?”

“Something like that.”

“Do they have a motive?”

“Not a one.”

“A connection between the victims?”

“Not a one,” Win said again.

“Other than Greg.”

“Other than Greg, yes.”

“And they want to keep this, uh, was ‘wrinkle’ the word you used?”

“It was.”

“They want to keep this wrinkle confidential because if it gets out that Joey’s conviction isn’t completely righteous…”

“It would be très embarrassing,” Win finished for him.

They sat in silence for a moment.

“So where do we go from here?” Myron asked.

“Nowhere,” Win replied. “Greg no longer wants our involvement.”

“He never wanted our involvement.”

“True. Still, we did what we could.”

“‘What we could,’” Myron repeated, “was getting our client arrested.”

Win spread his hands. “I was being kind when I said ‘we.’”

Meaning, correctly, it was on Myron. “Why would Greg murder Cecelia Callister, Win?”

“No idea. But it’s not our concern. You’ve offered to help. He refused it. In sum, it is over. For us. We are done.”

Win had a point. Myron tried for another sip, but the glass was empty. He reached for the crystal decanter and refilled it. He let his thoughts bubble up, but he could feel the haze of exhaustion and drink start to wear on him. Myron rarely imbibed because despite his size, he’d always been what one might call a lightweight. Two drinks and he was toast.

He looked over at Win. Win’s eyes were closed, and there was a gentle snoring. That never used to happen. The two of them would sit up and talk all night or, if they were tired, just enjoy the comfortable silence. More and more often now, one of them fell asleep. Myron didn’t like that.

He felt the buzz from his phone. It was well past midnight. He checked the screen and saw the text was from Emily Downing.

Emily’s message was one word: Awake?

He let loose a breath and typed a reply: Yep.

The three moving dots that indicated Emily was typing appeared. Then:

I’m in the Hamptons. You might want to drive out.

Myron frowned and typed: Why?

Jeremy will be here soon. He wants to see you.

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