Page 58 of Think Twice

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“No, I’m fine.”

“So what happened, Greg?”

“A lot of things.”


“Like quitting basketball. Like wanting to start over.”

“I got those.”

“Like meeting Grace.” He gazed up at her and smiled. She put her hand on his shoulder and smiled back. With his eyes still on her, Greg said, “Is it too corny to call her my soulmate? Doesn’t matter. She is.”

“I feel the same,” she said.

“She changed my whole life.”

They held the lovey-dovey gaze to the point where Myron almost told them to get a room, but that line would be too expected.

“So that’s the main reason I wanted to start over,” Greg said. “I fell in love.”

“Lots of people fall in love,” Myron said.

“Yeah, I know, and I would say, ‘Not like us,’ but everyone says that too.” He shifted in his chair. “Look, it’s pretty simple. Grace and I met at a time when both of us needed change. We fell hard. I’d had it with basketball. I was burnt out. So we decided to run off and travel the world for a while. We planned to do it for a year, maybe two, and then see what’s what.”

“You went to Vegas first,” Myron said.

“Right. That’s where Grace’s son lived.”


“He likes to go by Bo,” Greg said. “Anyway, Bo was having problems.”

“What sort of problems?” Myron asked.

“You and I, Myron, we grew up in way different times.”

Myron waited.

Grace said, “His boyfriend was abusing him.”

“That would be Jordan Kravat.”


“When you say abusing—”

“Physical, emotional, in every way,” she said.

“The boyfriend owed money to some bad people,” Greg explained. “So he was paying it back by pimping Bo out.”

“It was awful,” Grace said.

“Anyway, Grace and I wanted to help. So we flew down to Vegas. I figured that maybe I could pay off the kid’s debt, and he’d leave Bo alone. That was our plan. Make sure Bo was safe. Then, poof, we would take off for parts unknown.”

“Like we originally intended,” Grace added.

She moved to the chair next to Greg. He took her hand.

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