Page 39 of Think Twice

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“To make sure none of the drivers takes a little side action,” Joey noted with an approving nod. “Smart. So what do you want?”

Win leaned back and steepled his fingers. “You’re searching for Bo Storm.”


“I can hurt you. You can hurt me. Neither of us needs the headache. So let me explain the situation: We will find Bo Storm. And when we do, we will notify you.”

Joey the Toe gave him the stink eye. “Notify me.”

Win said nothing.

“Why do you want to find him?” Joey asked.

“He may be connected to another murder.”

“Really?” Joey the Toe found that amusing. “Interesting, eh? Then this Jordan Kravat kid, he isn’t the only one Bo murdered? Is that what you’re saying?”

“I don’t know yet.”

Joey the Toe leaned back and stroked his beard. “This other murder,” he said. “Do the cops like someone other than Bo for it?”

The question caught Win off guard. He considered how to answer the question and decided to go with the truth. “Yes. How did you know?”

“And let me guess. Someone you know—a friend maybe—is about to go down for it?”

“More of a client than a friend,” Win said. “But yes.”

Joey smiled.

“How did you know?”

“I didn’t murder Jordan Kravat. Yeah, yeah, I know you hear that all the time, but I got no reason to lie to you, do I?”

“You don’t.”

“I got framed. This other murder you’re talking about, your client, friend, whatever, he’s also being framed. Like me. What kind of evidence do they got on him? DNA? Fingerprints?”


Joey shook his head with a grin. “Hot damn. He’s done it again.”


Win’s penthouse suite at the Wynn wasn’t as palatial as one might think. Oh, it was pretty fantastic and it had the mirror on the ceiling and all of that, but the biggest ones were more homes near the golf courses and Win didn’t like that. He wanted to be inside, where the action is.

“I have a lead,” Win said to Myron.


“Correction: Esperanza found the lead. I came up with an inspired idea with what to do with the lead.”

“Teamwork makes the dream work.”

Win blanched. “Never say that again.”

“Right, my bad. The lead?”

“Esperanza didn’t find anything on your Brian Connors.”

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