Page 28 of Think Twice

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“No,” Donna said. “But I was a senior at Wake Forest when you were a freshman at Duke. Rode the bench for the women’s team back in the day.” She gave him a big smile. Yep, she had veneers too. “You were a great player.”


Her smile dropped. “When you hurt your knee, I mean, so early in your career…”

“It was a long time ago,” Myron said.

“Still,” she said. Donna Kravat took off her sunglasses and sat up. “So okay I’m super-curious. Why does Myron Bolitar want to see me?”

They were there now. Myron had rehearsed various ways to begin the conversation, but how do you come out of nowhere to ask a mother about her murdered son?

Donna Kravat saw it and nodded. “It’s about Jordan.”

“Yes. If you’d rather go someplace more private—”

“Oh, I’d love to go someplace private,” she said, forcing up a hint of a double entendre to mask something that couldn’t be masked. “But we can talk here. My son never leaves me, you know. Not for a second. His murder is my constant companion. If you try to push it away, it just waits and jumps out when you’re not ready. So Jordan is always right here, right next to me.”

“I’m sorry,” Myron said.

She picked up her phone. Maybe to answer a text. Maybe to give herself a moment. She typed deliberately. Myron stayed silent. Still looking at her phone, Donna Kravat paused, then asked, “Did you know my son?”

“No. This is about a friend of his.”

She nodded. “Bo.”

“Yes. How did you know?”

“It’s not exactly a brilliant deduction on my part. He’s the only friend who vanished after Jordan’s murder. Do you know where he is?”

“I was hoping you could tell me.”

“I haven’t seen him since he testified against Jord’s killer. Why are you looking for him?”

Myron wondered how to answer that and settled for, “It’s a long story.”

“Is this where I say I’ve got all the time in the world?”

“After I was injured, I became a lawyer and a sports agent.”

“I think I read something about that. You were on the cover of Sports Illustrated after you got hurt. With your knee in a cast or something. They thought you might make a comeback.”

“Didn’t work out. Anyway, this involves one of my clients, so I have to keep it confidential.”

“Attorney-client privilege,” she said.

“Yes. If that’s okay.” Myron tried to keep the conversation going. “Were Bo and your son close?”

“They were a couple, if that’s what you’re asking. They met through me, actually. I owned a bar.”

“This would be Man United?”

“Good name, right?”


“I spent a semester in England my junior year at Wake Forest. Became a big fan of Manchester United. That’s how I thought up the name. Did you do that at Duke?”

“A semester abroad?”

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