Page 26 of Think Twice

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“To Vegas?” Win arched an eyebrow. “You know I never miss a trip to Vegas.”

“Big plans, Win?”

“Golf and debauchery, yes.”

“I thought you didn’t do that anymore.”

“What, golf?”

“Haha. I thought you gave up prostitutes.”

“I did. Sort of. And you need to stop shaming sex workers. ‘Support sex workers’ isn’t just an empty progressive catchphrase to me.”

“Yes, you’re very enlightened.”

“That said, I am much more cautious than I used to be.”

“In what way?”

“I make sure that there is no abuse or coercion or trafficking going on.”

“How do you do that?”

“We don’t need to go into details. But I know.” He steepled his fingers. “It’s always been a dichotomous issue for me: I want no emotional connection when it comes to the act of sex because I feel that gets in the way of the physical pleasure—and yet I don’t want it to be cold or impersonal either. A purely financial transaction doesn’t work for me. I need to feel as though the participant—the lucky participant, I may add—is attracted to me. I need to believe I am desired.”

Win looked up and waited.

Myron said, “Wow.”

“I’m a lot,” Win said.

“You realize what you said has several massive contradictions, right?”

“We are all contradictions, Myron. We are all hypocrites. We want black and white. But it’s all gray.”

Mee, the flight attendant, came over. “We have some goodies if anyone is hungry.”

“Thanks, Mee. I’ll have the caviar.”

She looked to Myron. “The same, please.”

When she left, Win felt Myron’s eyes on him. Win said, “Never with employees anymore. Never. I think it’s why Yu quit.”

“Because you slept with her?”

“What? No. The opposite.”

Back in the day, Win would have relations with his flight attendants Yu and Mee, in part to make terrible puns, like when Myron would ask Win where he was, Win would answer “Between Yu and Mee.”

“Are you saying Yu quit because you wouldn’t have sex with her?”


“I thought it was because she opened a successful real estate agency in Santa Fe.”

“Allow me my delusions, Myron.” Win shifted in his seat. “So how did it go with your ex?”

Myron filled him in on the conversation with Emily. At the end, Myron added, “Oh, and one thing I found interesting: Emily used to be friendly with Cecelia Callister.”

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