Page 23 of Think Twice

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“Five years ago.”

“You’re good.”

“Before or after Bo vanished?”

“Right around the same time.”

“So Bo’s friend Jordan is murdered—”

“I think Bo and Jordan were more than friends.”

“Oh. Okay. Either way, Jordan gets murdered, and Bo vanishes.”

“And Greg decides to go off the grid,” Esperanza added.

“Obvious question: Was Bo a suspect?”

“They convicted someone else. A local organized crime boss went down for it.”

Myron considered that. “Still. The timing. It can’t be a coincidence.”

“One more wrinkle.”

“I’m listening.”

“You remember that Bo worked out of a gay sports bar?”

“Man United,” Myron said.

“Right. The bar was owned by Donna Kravat. That’s Jordan Kravat’s mother.”

Myron felt that thrum when pieces are starting to land on the table. He had no idea how they fit. None whatsoever yet. But pieces were landing and they mattered and that was a start. Shake the box. Get the pieces out and onto the table. Then you can begin to put them together.

“We got an address on the mom?”

“We do. She’s still in Vegas.”

“I should probably fly out then.”

“I saw Win on my way up.”

“Did you mention Vegas?”

“I did. He’s already got the jet gassed up and ready to go.”


Two hours later, Myron and Win sat on Win’s private jet as it taxied down the runway at Teterboro Airport in northern New Jersey. The flight attendant, a woman named Mee, gave Win a cognac and Myron a can of a chocolate concoction called Yoo-hoo. Myron had spent most of his life drinking Yoo-hoo, but over the past few years, his desire for a soda that tasted like chocolate milk had deserted him. Still, Mee always brought him one and he drank it because he didn’t have the heart to tell her or himself that maybe he’d outgrown his once-favorite beverage.

“I just read an article,” Win said, “that a popular new drink mixes Yoo-hoo with absinthe.”

“Gross,” Myron said.

“I don’t know. You know what they say. Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.”

Myron looked at Win. Win looked at Myron.

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