Page 149 of Think Twice

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His voice, Myron realized, was probably loud enough for Greg and Emily to make out what he was saying. Myron debated whether that mattered or not and decided to let it go.

“Are you at Win’s?” Jeremy asked.

“Not right now, no.”

“Oh, sorry. Am I interrupting anything?”

“No, not at all.”

“I’m about an hour out,” Jeremy said. “Can we meet?”


“I want to explain… well, you know. About the discharge and IT job.”

“Yeah, okay, sure.” Myron felt numb. “Win’s place work?”

“That’ll be perfect. I’ll see you in an hour.”

When Myron hung up, Greg said, “What was that all about?”

“He’s an hour away. We are going to meet at the Dakota.”

Emily pushed her hair back behind her ears. “What was he talking about with the discharge and IT stuff?”

Myron rose, their necks craning up to follow him. “It’s not my place to say.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Greg asked.

“It means you can ask him yourself.”

“Discharge?” Emily said again. “So he’s not in the military anymore?”

“He came back to New York when he heard you were being freed,” Myron said to Greg. “That’s what he told me a few hours ago. I’m sure he’ll reach out to you both.”

“Wait,” Emily said.


“You can’t just…” Emily began. She stopped and started again, her voice firmer now. “He’s our son, not yours.”

“Yeah, you keep telling me that,” Myron said, “except when it’s convenient.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Emily snapped.

“When he was thirteen and needed to find that bone marrow donor, suddenly I’m his father. Just now, when you found that phone hidden in his room, suddenly I’m his father. Look, I didn’t raise him. I get that. I’m just a sperm donor or an accident of biology or whatever. I’ve been respectful. I’ve kept my distance. It may not be up to me what my relationship is with Jeremy, but it certainly isn’t up to you two either. He called me. He wants to talk to me. I’m going.”

Myron started to the door. Emily and Greg followed him.

“Are you going to tell him about the phone?” Greg asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t, okay?” Greg said. “Just trust me on this.”

“I don’t trust you on anything,” Myron said, and then he left.


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